
Agenda and draft minutes

Site Viewing Working Party - Thursday, 26th January, 2017 1.00 pm

Contact: Jack Caine  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item

Steve Weaver was present for items 29 & 30. David Eaves was present for item 29 and Rachael McMurray was present for item 30.




Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Satchwell



Minutes pdf icon PDF 60 KB

To approve the minutes of the Site Viewing Working Party held on


The Minutes of the last meeting of the Site Viewing Working Party held on the 5th January 2017 were received.



Declarations of Interests


There were no declarations of interest relating to matters on the agenda from members present.



Land adjacent to 132 Havant Road, Hayling Island - APP/16/00735


Proposal:  Use of land for open storage comprising vehicles and scaffolding(use of class B8) and perimeter landscaping works (retrospective application).


The site was viewed by the Site Viewing Working Party, given a request by the Head of Planning Services that the application be determine by the Development Management Committee.


The Working Party received a written report from the Head of Planning Services which identified the following key considerations:


i.              Principle of development

ii.            Impact upon the character and appearance of the area

iii.           Impact upon residential amenity

iv.           Employment/business matters

v.            Highway matters

vi.           Ecological impacts

vii.          Flood risk

viii.        Tree/shading

ix.           Other matters

The Working Party viewed the site, the subject of the application to assess whether there were additional matters that should be considered by the Development Management Committee. The party also viewed the site from the rear of the neighbouring property to assess impact.


It was RESOLVED that based on the information available at the time, no further information be provided to the Development Management Committee.



Dolphin Quay, Queen Street, Emsworth - APP/16/00735


Proposal: Demolition of the single storey shop, two-storey office building and associated outbuildings. Erection of 4 No. houses (3x 3No bedrooms and 1x 2No. Bedrooms) fronting onto Queen Street and associated parking and erection of 2No. detached dwellings (4No. bedrooms) fronting onto to the Mill Pond with associated parking and access from Queen Street.


The site was viewed by the Site viewing Working Party, given a request by the Head of Planning Services that the application be determined by the Development Management Committee.


The Working Party received a written report from the Head of Planning Services which identified the following key considerations:


i.              Principle of development

ii.            Loss of the boatyard and employment space

iii.           Provision of housing

iv.           Design approach and effect on the character of the Emsworth Conservation area and AONB

v.            Amenity and effect on neighbouring properties

vi.           Highways and access

vii.          Flood risk and drainage

viii.        Ecological considerations

ix.           Developer Contributions

The working party view the site, the subject of the application to assess whether there were additional matters that should be considered by the Development Management Committee. The property was viewed from the following points:


a.    Street scene/North elevation

b.    South elevation/Quay side

c.    Interior of the single-storey shop.


RESOLVED that based on the information available at the time that the following information be provided to the Development Management Committee:


i.              What access, if any, would be available to the public to access the moorings that were on the quayside.