
Agenda item

17/01772/REM - Phase 13A Development Land To The West Of Newlands Avenue Waterlooville Hampshire

Proposal:             Berewood Phase 13a: Reserved Matters Application comprising 73 residential dwellings, associated amenity space, access, garages, parking, internal roads, pathways and associated landscaping. (Matters of layout, appearance, access, landscape and scale pursuant to application ref: 10/02862/OUT). Discharge of conditions 3, 6(ii) a) b), c), d), e), f), h), i), j), k) I) m) n), 14 and 18.


Parish:                  Southwick And Widley Parish and Southwick and Wickham Ward.



Proposal:             Berewood Phase 13a: Reserved Matters Application comprising 73 residential dwellings, associated amenity space, access, garages, parking, internal roads, pathways and associated landscaping. (Matters of layout, appearance, access, landscape and scale pursuant to application ref:10/02862/OUT). Discharge of conditions 3, 6(ii) a) b), c), d), e), f), h), i), j), k) l) m) n), 14 and 18.


Parish:                 Southwick and Widley Parish and Southwick and Wickham Ward.



The committee considered the written report from the Head of Planning and the recommendation to grant permission.


Following questions from the Committee, officers advised the following:


·         The s106 agreement would cover issues relating to infrastructure provisions for the local area. A briefing note on infrastructure issues would be delivered at the next Forum meeting to address these concerns.

·         It was in the officers’ opinion that the proposal made best use of space available on the development site and the density of the proposal was acceptable.

·         The open space provisions contained within the proposal were acceptable and allowed the development to remain viable.

·         The Affordable housing contributions were acceptable with a sympathetic spread across the development site.

·         A balanced negotiation had taken place regarding the design and layout of the proposal, allowing for the development to be in line with the Design Code whilst remaining marketable for the developer.

·         All open green spaces would be maintained by a private management company and there would be some time before this responsibility was moved to a Parish Council.

·         It was the intention for the garages to be used to house vehicles when not in use and any material changes of use to garages would require planning consent. Suitably worded conditions were included in the Officer’s recommendation to address communal parking areas.

The committee was then addressed by the following deputees:


1.    Ms Amy Ashby, who objected to the Officer’s recommendation for the following reasons:

a.    The proposal sought to remove a significant amount of open space adjacent to an already existing development, which would have a significant detrimental effect on local residents.

b.    There was insufficient buffer space between this development and adjacent developments. Buffer space was important as it maintained social and ecological well being.

c.    The proposal would have a negative impact on local wildlife by way of it’s layout and design.

2.    Cllr J Watson, who objected to the Officer’s recommendation for the following reasons:

a.    There was a significant number of public objections to the application.

b.    The proposal was a significant departure from the originally submitted plans by way of its density, layout and design.

c.    The density of the proposal raised significant concerns over future developments and higher density proposals.

d.    The northern aspect of the development site was originally proposed as green open space. This was now proposed to be developed.

3.    Cllr Cutler, who objected to the Officer’s recommendation for the following reasons:

a.    Both Parish and Ward Councillors had worked hard to develop a sense of community for the new developments in the local area. Disregarding the objections of these communities to the proposal would undermine this work.

b.    The proposal had an inappropriate density, leading to excessive pressure placed upon infrastructure.

c.     The proposal was a departure from the original plans, leading to creeping intensification.

4.    Ms Bryony Stala and Mr David Lee, who supported the Officer’s recommendation for the following reasons:

a.    The proposal had undergone several design iterations in order to make best use of the developable area.

b.    The proposal featured appropriate landscaping, open space and green spaces, while still being able to deliver a reasonable number of dwellings.

c.    The proposal was a high quality development which had a different character and design to other developments, creating a sense of variety and difference.

d.    The density of the development was due to a higher number of deliverable houses, whilst also being inline with outline consent. It was anticipated that other sites would not be able to deliver a higher number of dwellings and therefore this proposal would assist in accommodating the drop in deliverable houses arising from other proposals.

In response to questions from the committee, the deputees advised that:

·         The total number of dwellings to be delivered over phase 13A and 13B was unknown.

·         The proposal allowed for enough green open space while still delivering a higher density of houses.


In response to questions from the committee, Officers further advised the following:


·         The proposal made best use of the space available.

·         The green space provision was appropriate for the size of the development.

·         Detail of the refuse strategy and how waste would be collected.


The committee discussed the application in detail together with the views raised by the deputees. Concern was expressed that the layout affordable housing was inappropriate as some dwellings were too far from communal green open space. However the majority of the Committee felt that the layout, character and design of the proposal was acceptable and that it would make a significant contribution to meeting the housing need for both authorities. It was therefore


RESOLVED that the Head of Planning Services for Winchester City Council be authorised to grant permission for Application 17/017772/REM, subject to the following conditions:



01  The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans, documents and e mails. 

Mayer Brown Drawings:

General Arrangement RHWVILLE_P13A/GA/01

Drainage layout RHWVILLE_P13A/DR/01 Sheet 1 of 2

Drainage layout RHWVILLE_P13A/DR/02 Sheet 2 of 2

SW Drainage Longsection RHWVILLE_P13A/DR/03 Sheet 1 of 3

SW Drainage Longsection RHWVILLE_P13A/DR/04 Sheet 2 of 3

SW Drainage Longsection RHWVILLE_P13A/DR/05 Sheet 3 of 3

FW Drainage Longsection RHWVILLE_P13A/DR/06 Sheet 1 of 3

FW Drainage Longsection RHWVILLE_P13A/DR/07 Sheet 2 of 3

FW Drainage Longsection RHWVILLE_P13A/DR/08 Sheet 3 of 3

Large Refuse Vehicle Tracking RHWVILLE_P13A/VT/01 Rev A Sheet 1 of 2

Large Refuse Vehicle Tracking RHWVILLE_P13A/VT/01 Rev A Sheet 2 of 2

Road Names, Chainages, Levels & Structures RHWVILLE_P13A/EL/01 Sheet 1 of 2

Road Names, Chainages, Levels & Structures RHWVILLE_P13A/EL/02 Sheet 2 of 2

Extent of Adoptable Highway RHWVILLE_P13A/LG/01

Extent of Permeable Paving RHWVILLE_P13A/RD/30

Longitudinal Sections RHWVILLE_P13A/RD/50 Sheet 1 of 4

Longitudinal Sections RHWVILLE_P13A/RD/51 Sheet 2 of 4

Longitudinal Sections RHWVILLE_P13A/RD/52 Sheet 3 of 4

Longitudinal Sections RHWVILLE_P13A/RD/53 Sheet 4 of 4

Cross Sections RHWVILLE_P13A/RD/60 Sheet 1 of 4

Cross Sections RHWVILLE_P13A/RD/60 Sheet 2 of 4

Cross Sections RHWVILLE_P13A/RD/60 Sheet 3 of 4

Cross Sections RHWVILLE_P13A/RD/60 Sheet 4 of 4

Street Lighting RHWVILLE_P13A/RD/20


Carlton Design Partnership Plans:

Planning Application Boundary Plan 170216/PABP Rev A

Site Location Plan 170216/SL/LP Rev A

Phase 13a Boundary treatment plan170216/SL/BTP rev N

Phase 13a Coloured site layout 170216/SLC rev D

Phase 13a Coloured street scenes 170216/SSC rev D

Phase 13a Design and Access Statement February 2018

Phase 13a Delivery Plan 170216/SL/DP rev A

Phase 13a Chimney Details 170216/DET/CH

Phase 13a Materials Plan 170216/SL/MP rev N

Phase 13a Parking Plan 170216/SL/PP Rev F

Phase 13a Planning layout 170216/SL/PD rev V

Phase 13a Refuse Strategy 170216/SL/RSP rev F

Phase 13a Site density plan 170216/SD/PD rev A

Phase 13a Storey Heights Plan 170216/SL/SHP rev F

Phase 13a Tenure Plan 170216/SL/TP rev F


Carlton Design Partnership Housetypes:

Tavy Timber board - 170216/HT/TAVY_LB/EL Rev D

Tavy brick - 170216/HT/TAVY/EL Rev F

Tavy Floor plans - 170216/HT/TAVY/FP Rev F

Tavy 3 elevations - 170216/HT/TT3/EL Rev H

Tavy 3 floor plans - 170216/HT/TT3/FP Rev E

Dart Elevations - 170216/HT/DART/EL Rev D

Dart Floor plans - 170216/HT/DART/FP Rev C

Block A elevations - 170216/HT/BLA/EL Rev G

Block A floor plans - 170216/HT/BLA/FP Rev C

Block B elevations - 170216/HT/BLB/EL Rev G

Block B floor plans - 170216/HT/BLB/FP Rev B

Cambridge elevations - 170216/HT/CAMB/EL2 Rev C

Cambridge elevations (straight edge board) - 170216/HT/CAMB/EL2 Rev C

Cambridge floor plans - 170216/HT/CAMB/FP Rev B

Oxford Lifestyle elevations - 170216/HT/OX-L/EL Rev C

Oxford Lifestyle floor plans - 170216/HT/OX-L/FP Rev B

Lemington elevations - 170216/HT/LEAM/EL Rev C

Lemington floor plans - 170216/HT/LEAM/FP Rev C

Shaftesbury straight edge board Elevations - 170216/HT/SHAF-REN/EL Rev C

Shaftesbury brick - 170216/HT/shaf-br/EL2 Rev C

Shaftesbury Floor plan - 170216/HT/shaf/FP Rev B

Harrogate elevations - 170216/HT/HARR/EL Rev C

Harrogate floor plans - 170216/HT/HARR/FP Rev B

Henley elevations - 170216/HT/HENL/EL - Rev C

Henley Floor plans - 170216/HT/HENL/FP

Sunningdale elevations - 170216/SUNN/EL Rev D

Sunningdale Floor plans - 170216/HT/SUNN/FP Rev B

Ancillary Buildings:

Single garage 1 - 170316/SG1/EP rev B

Double garage 12 - 170316/DG12/EP Rev A

Double garage 10 - 170316/DG10/EP Rev B

Bin and Cycle stores - 170316/BCS/EP Rev A

Garages Sheds - 170316/SH/EP 


Redrow Drawings:

Cladding Plan and Section Detail - Redrow, Detail-001 Rev A

Flat Canopy Details F-SD0510

Canopy Details & Sizes FSD0511

45 Pitch Roof Caopy with Wayne Edge Boarding Small F-SD0512 Rev 1 of 3

45 Pitch Roof Caopy with Wayne Edge Boarding Small F-SD0512 Rev 2 of 3

45 Pitch Roof Caopy with Wayne Edge Boarding Small F-SD0512 Rev 3 of 3

Roof Abutment Details - Lean to and mono pitch F-SD0515


Other Documents:

Design Code Compliance Checklist

Window Brochure - Liniar Flush Window

Bollard specification - Broxap BX17 Pointed

Biodiversity By Design - Berewood Phase 13A Residential Reserved Matter Applicaiton: Ecological Appraisal 03 July 2017 Rev 1.0

Savills Planning Statement Update Berewood Phase 13A V.2 October 2017

E-mail from L Garland to R Smith 23/10/2017 addressing ecological queries

E-mail from B Stala to K Stickland 07/02/2018 responding to request for further information

Savills Cover Letter - 8 February 2018, confirming description and updated plan submission

E-mail from D Lee to K Stickland 9/02/2018 confirming cladding colour and treatment


Allen Pyke Landscape Plans;

Landscape Design & Access, January 2018 2745-DAS-01E

Landscape Masterplan 2745-LA-01 Rev P4

Planting Plan 2745-PP-01 Rev P2 Sheet 1 of 5

Planting Plan 2745-PP-02 Rev P2 Sheet 2 of 5

Planting Plan 2745-PP-03 Rev P2 Sheet 3 of 5

Planting Plan 2745-PP-04 Rev P2 Sheet 4 of 5

Planting Plan 2745-PP-05 Rev P2 Sheet 5 of 5


01  Reason: In the interests of clarity and to ensure that the development is carried out in a satisfactory manner.


02   The parking area including the garage shall be provided in accordance with the approved plans before the dwelling is first occupied and thereafter permanently retained and used only for the purpose of accommodating private motor vehicles or other storage purposes incidental to the use of the dwelling house as a residence.


02   Reason:  To ensure the permanent availability of parking for the property.


03   The unallocated and visitor car parking spaces shown on the submitted drawing number 170216/SL/PP Revision F shall be retained and made available for parking purposes at all times to all residents and visitors to the development with no physical or legal restriction on who may use such spaces.


03   Reason: To ensure that adequate parking spaces are retained for the development (in accordance with Winchester City Council's Supplementary Planning Document Residential Parking Standards December 2009) in the interests of highway safety.


04 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted

Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re enacting that order with or without modification) no development permitted by Part 1 Class A of Schedule 2 in respect of plots 1, 3, 5, 24, 27, 29, 40, 43, 47, 49, 50, 53, 65 and 71 (as shown on approved plan Site Layout Site Density 170216/SD/PD Revision A) shall be carried out without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


04 Reason: To protect the amenities of the locality and to maintain a good quality environment because these plots are in prominent positions in the street scene or adjacent to the areas of publically accessible open space.


05 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted

Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re enacting that order with or without modification) no development permitted by Part 1 Classes B, C and D of Schedule 2 shall be carried out without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


05 Reason: To protect the amenities of the locality and to maintain a good quality environment.


06 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted

Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re enacting that order with or without modification) no development permitted by Part 2 Class A of Schedule 2 shall be carried out without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


06 Reason: To protect the amenities of the locality and to maintain a good quality environment.




01.         In accordance with paragraphs 186 and 187 of the NPPF Winchester City Council (WCC) take a positive and proactive approach to development proposals focused on solutions.  WCC work with applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by;


- offering a pre-application advice service and,


- updating applicants/agents of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application and where possible suggesting solutions.


In this instance the applicant was updated of any issues after the initial site visit.


02.       This permission is granted for the following reasons:

The development is in accordance with the Policies and Proposals of the Development Plan set out below, and other material considerations do not have sufficient weight to justify a refusal of the application. In accordance with Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, planning permission should therefore be granted.


03.       The Local Planning Authority has taken account of the following development plan policies and proposals:-


Winchester District Local Plan Part 1 – Joint Core Strategy: 

SH2 – Strategic Housing Allocation – West of Waterlooville.


Winchester Local Plan Part 2 – Development Management and Site Allocations.

As this is a reserved matters application it does not require assessment against these policies which were adopted after the outline consent had been granted.


04.       All building works including demolition, construction and machinery or plant operation should only be carried out between the hours of 0800 and 1800 hrs Monday to Friday and 0800 and 1300 hrs Saturday and at no time on Sundays or recognised public holidays. Where allegations of noise from such works are substantiated by the Environmental Protection Team, a Notice limiting the hours of operation under The Control of Pollution Act 1974 may be served.


05.       During Construction, no materials should be burnt on site. Where allegations of statutory nuisance are substantiated by the Environmental Protection Team, an Abatement Notice may be served under The Environmental Protection Act 1990. The applicant is reminded that the emission of dark smoke through the burning of materials is a direct offence under The Clean Air Act 1993.



Supporting documents: