
Agenda item

APP/18/00151 - 48 Havant Road, Emsworth



Erection of replacement detached workshop.


Associated Documents


(The site was viewed by the Site Viewing Working Party)


Proposal: Erection of replacement detached workshop.


The Committee considered the written report and recommendation of the Head of Planning to grant permission.


The Committee received supplementary information, circulated prior to the meeting, which:


(a)          corrected the appendices attached to the published report;


(b)          included a sun path analysis submitted by the applicant’s agent;


(c)          an amendment to recommended condition 2 to reflect the shade analysis referred to (b) above;


(d)          further third-party objection raising concerns about the sun path analysis referred to in (b) above; and


(e)          included a correction to the officer’s report.


The Committee was addressed by the following deputees:


(1)          Mr Gibbons, who, on behalf of the resident at 46 Havant Road, Emsworth, objected to the proposal for the following reasons:


(a)         the size and height of the proposal and design of the roof would be obtrusive and out of keeping with the local area;


(b)         the size, height, bulk and proximity of the proposal would be overbearing and detrimental to the visual outlook and amenities of the occupiers of 46 Havant Road, Emsworth;


(c)          the proposed usage would have a detrimental impact on the living conditions of the occupiers of adjoining properties;


(d)         the proposal was higher than the garage it was proposed to replace; and


(e)         the proposal would adversely affect the light available to the occupier of 46 Havant Road, Emsworth.


(2)          Mr Coles, who, on behalf of the applicant, supported the proposal for the following reasons:


(a)         the proposal was required to enable boats to be stored and maintained inside a building on the site;


(b)         amendments to the size, the roof, location and height of the building and position of dormer windows had been made to overcome the concerns of neighbouring properties;


(c)          the shades analysis had been updated to investigate the concerns raised by an objector. The time of the analysis had been chosen as the objector had indicated this time in his objection;


(d)         the proposal represented an acceptable relationship with 46 Havant Road and other neighbouring properties and complied with Council’s policies and guidelines;


              In response to questions raised by the members of the Committee, Mr Coles advised that:


              (i)           the height of the garage was required to enable materials, such as sails to be stored in an upright position and all maintenance work to be undertaken inside the building. The current work was undertaken inside a tent on the site which had proven too low and resulted in some of the maintenance work being undertaken outside;


              (ii)          although it was preferable to store the sails in an upright position, this was not essential; and


              (iii)         the maintenance work would require the use of some noisy equipment. Every effort would be made to ensure that the use of this equipment would not be detrimental to the occupiers of neighbouring properties



(3)          Councillor Bowerman supported the reasons submitted by Mr Gibbons and submitted the following additional reasons for refusal:


              (a)         the proposal would amount to an over intensive use of the site having regard to the size and location of the site and the other development permitted for this site, which would have a detrimental impact on the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties;


              (b)         although there was no objection in principle to a workshop on the site, the size and relationship of the proposal to adjoining properties and the size of the site, would have a detrimental impact on neighbouring properties; and


              (c)          There were ample alternative places outside of the site where the boats and sails could be stored and maintained e.g. nearby sailing clubs


              Councillor Bowerman recommended that the application be refused for the following reasons


              The proposed development would result in an excessive building bulk adjacent to an existing residential property, detrimental to the visual outlook and amenities of the occupier of this property. The proposal is therefore contrary to policy CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework 2012.    



In response to questions raised by members of the Committee, the officers advised that details of the height and size of the garage permitted on the site were not available at this meeting.         


The Committee discussed this application in detail together with the views raised by the deputees.


During the debate the Chairman and officers raised concerns about the reasons for refusal suggested by Councillor Bowerman. The Officers advised that it would be difficult to justify a reason for refusal on the grounds of the bulk of the proposal and its impact on 46 Havant Road in view of:


(i)           the size of the garage at 46 Havant Road;


(ii)          the amendments made to overcome to reduce the impact of the proposal on 46 Havant Road; and


(iii)         the size of the application site area.


Throughout the debate the Chairman also reminded members of the Committee that it was not the role of the Committee to redesign the proposal or consider future uses of the proposed building which were recommended to be controlled by condition.


The majority of the Committee considered that the scale, size and siting of the proposal would have a detrimental impact on the visual outlook and amenities of the occupier of 46 Havant Road. It was therefore


RESOLVED that Application APP/18/00151 be refused for the following reason:


1            the proposed development would result in an excessive building bulk adjacent to an existing residential property, detrimental to the visual outlook and amenities of the occupier of this property. The proposal is therefore contrary to policy CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework 2012.    

Supporting documents: