
Agenda item

Questions Under Standing Order 23

To receive questions from Councillors in accordance with the requirements of Standing Order 23.4(a).


The following questions were received in accordance with Standing Order 23:


1.            Councillor Davis to Councillor Hughes:

Are there any plans to enable Hampshire’s plastic recycling ability up to the ability of other Counties (like Dorset)?



As detailed in my report at the last Full Council, Project Integra do have plans to build a Single Material Recycling Facility (SMRF) in Hampshire. The facility would be able to handle a greater range of materials, including the plastics that you enquired about. Dorset Council achieves a high rate of recycling as a consequence of their household food collection. Such schemes are only viable if a suitable use such as an Anaerobic Digester for the waste can be identified. Regrettably, there are no sites currently taking food waste in Hampshire.

However, those plans have been put on hold as a result of the Government’s consultation regarding the introduction of a Deposit Return Scheme. Unexpectedly, the Consultation has been expanded to include tins and aluminum drinks cans and glass. Recycling rates for tin and aluminum are already in excess of 70% and provide a significant proportion of the income generated from the existing MRFs. Glass also has a value of approximately £18 per tonne. If those materials are removed from the recycling stream, it might jeopardize the viability of the existing facilities and the estimated investment of in excess of £20M for a new facility.

It is worth reiterating that if we stop putting textiles, food and black bags in our recycling bins we would reduce our recycling contamination rate, currently 13% considerably. Equally, if we stop putting the 17% of recyclable material in our household waste and recycled it instead, we would be the best recycling authority in Hampshire and be close to achieving the national target of 50% recycling.


2.         Councillor Davis to Councillor Pike


I welcome the information and map for cycling in Havant.

However, I have noticed that in town centres there are only a limited number of Hitch rails for cyclists to lock their bikes to. So as to encourage our residents to use the cycles to shop in our shopping areas, are there any plans to fit /provide more of these Hitch rails in our shopping centres?




All the main HBC shopping areas have cycle parking.  If Cllr John Davis has a particular shopping area that he wishes cycle parking to be fitted I am happy to put some in but I think in most cases there will already be some.


If further locations are considered necessary then they would need to be funded.


3.         Councillor Davis to Councillor Pike


There is an off road cycle route onto Hayling Island but not all cyclists use it.  There is no law to force cyclist to use the off road cycle facilities.

Overgrown vegetation onto the highway is managed by the Highway Authority (HCC).


The Highway Authority / HBC can construct paths and cycle routes within the land that they own.  It is likely that in these instances where vegetation is overhanging the road the vegetation and verges are in private ownership.  There would also be environmental implication if we were able to remove the hedges and trees and finding the funding to construct the paths.  If Cllr John Davis would like to email the exact locations I am happy to investigate.

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