
Agenda item

Cabinet/Board/Committee Recommendations

To consider the following recommendations to Council arising from the meeting of the Cabinet held on 11 September 2019.  The agenda and reports for this meeting can be viewed via the following link:




(A)         Parking Supplementary Planning Document:  Targeted Review Regarding Parking Associated With New Development In Havant And Waterlooville Town Centres


RECOMMENDED to Full Council that it:


(1)          notes the responses received to the recent consultation on the Parking Supplementary Planning Document (Appendix A);

(2)          notes the need for a wider review of the Parking Supplementary Planning Document following the Examination of the Havant Borough Local Plan 2036;

(3)          adopts the Parking Supplementary Planning Document (at appendix C), subject to the additional wording to paragraph 3.05 of the SPD so as to read:

“ The level of parking to be provided must be based on the nature and scale of the development, its target market in terms of demographics and professions, access to shops and services together with public transport accessibility.” ; and

(4)          delegates authority to the Planning Policy Manager, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Planning, Regeneration and Communities, to make any necessary amendments to the documents listed above. These shall be limited to the inclusion of a contents page and page numbers, factual updates, correction of minor errors, typographical errors and other minor changes that do not change the meaning of the material.

(B)         Old Bedhampton Conservation Area Appraisal


RECOMMENDED to full Council that it


(a)  Notes the responses to the recent consultation (included at Appendix 3 (summary) and Appendix 4 (redacted copies of original responses));


(b)  Adopts the Old Bedhampton Conservation Area Character Appraisal (Appendix 1), including a boundary which includes that area set out on pages 133 and 141 of the Cabinet agenda and a separate section to cover the Manor Farm Buildings located to the south of Lower Road;


(c)  Notes that on adoption, the Old Bedhampton Conservation Area Character Appraisal (Appendix 1) becomes a material consideration in development management decision making alongside the development plan and emerging Havant Borough Local Plan 2036;


(d)  Delegates authority to the Conservation Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Planning and Regeneration and Communities, to make any resulting amendments following the Cabinet and Council meetings to the Old Bedhampton Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (Appendix 1), including the boundary (Appendix 2)


(e)  Approves the implementation of an Article 4 (1) Direction and delegates authority to the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Planning, Regeneration and Communities, to determine the draft form and content of the direction prior to this being publicised. (See sections 3.67-3.79 of the report). Officers to report back to Cabinet at a later date with the draft form and content.

(f)   Delegates authority to the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Planning, Regeneration and Communities, to make any necessary amendments to the documents listed above. These shall be limited to grammatical, typographical, formatting and graphic design changes and shall not change the meaning of the material.



(A)         Old Bedhampton Conservation Area Appraisal


Councillor Pike presented a recommendation from Cabinet seeking approval of the Old Bedhampton Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan following its consideration by the Cabinet on 11 September 2019.


The Mayor then invited Mr Ron Tate to make a deputation to the Council.  The text of Mr Tate’s deputation is published on the Council’s website alongside these minutes.


Proposed by Councillor Pike and seconded by Councillor Wilson, it was


RESOLVED that the Council:


(a)  Notes the responses to the recent consultation (included at Appendix 3 (summary) and Appendix 4 (redacted copies of original responses));


(b)  Adopts the Old Bedhampton Conservation Area Character Appraisal (Appendix 1), including a boundary which includes that area set out on pages 133 and 141 of the Cabinet agenda and a separate section to cover the Manor Farm Buildings located to the south of Lower Road;

(c)  Notes that on adoption, the Old Bedhampton Conservation Area Character Appraisal (Appendix 1) becomes a material consideration in development management decision making alongside the development plan and emerging Havant Borough Local Plan 2036;


(d)  Delegates authority to the Conservation Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Planning and Regeneration and Communities, to make any resulting amendments following the Cabinet and Council meetings to the Old Bedhampton Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (Appendix 1), including the boundary (Appendix 2)


(e)  Approves the implementation of an Article 4 (1) Direction and delegates authority to the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Planning, Regeneration and Communities, to determine the draft form and content of the direction prior to this being publicised. (See sections 3.67-3.79 of the report). Officers to report back to Cabinet at a later date with the draft form and content.

(f)    Delegates authority to the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Planning, Regeneration and Communities, to make any necessary amendments to the documents listed above. These shall be limited to grammatical, typographical, formatting and graphic design changes and shall not change the meaning of the material.


(B)         Parking Supplementary Planning Document:  Targeted Review Regarding Parking Associated with New Development in Havant and Waterlooville Town Centres


Councillor Pike presented a recommendation from the Cabinet meeting held on 11 September 2019 seeking approval of the draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on parking associated with new development in Havant and Waterlooville Town Centres.


Proposed by Councillor Pike and seconded by Councillor Wilson, it was


RESOLVED that the Council


(1)   notes the responses received to the recent consultation on the Parking Supplementary Planning Document (Appendix A);

(2)   notes the need for a wider review of the Parking Supplementary Planning Document following the Examination of the Havant Borough Local Plan 2036;

(3)   adopts the Parking Supplementary Planning Document (at appendix C), subject to the additional wording to paragraph 3.05 of the SPD so as to read:

“ The level of parking to be provided must be based on the nature and scale of the development, its target market in terms of demographics and professions, access to shops and services together with public transport accessibility.” ; and

(4)    delegates authority to the Planning Policy Manager, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Planning, Regeneration and Communities, to make any necessary amendments to the documents listed above. These shall be limited to the inclusion of a contents page and page numbers, factual updates, correction of minor errors, typographical errors and other minor changes that do not change the meaning of the material.

Supporting documents: