
Agenda item

APP/19/00007 - Camp Field (land to the West of Havant Crematorium), Bartons Road, Havant

Proposal: Outline Application for access with all matters reserved, for up to 72 new homes plus associated green infrastructure including community orchard.


Associated Information: Click Here



(The site was viewed by the Site Viewing Working Party on 5 September 2019)


Proposal:      Outline Application for access with all other matters reserved, for up to 72 new homes plus associated green infrastructure including community orchard


The Committee considered the written report and recommendation from the Head of Planning to grant outline planning consent.


The Committee received supplementary information, circulated prior to the meeting which:


(1)         summarised an additional objection received since the report was published;


(2)         included the recommended conditions to be attached to the outline consent together with an amendment to recommended condition 20, if granted;


(3)         detailed the additional information requested by the Site Viewing Working party held on 5 September 2019; and


(4)          summarised responses from East Hampshire District Council and Hampshire Highways received since the report was published;


During the meeting the Committee noted the following amendment to the report:


 Paragraph 7.136 – 3rd sentence – the words “S106 Agreement” to be replaced with the words “construction access conditions”.


In addition, a request from Portsmouth NHS Trust for a financial contribution was raised with members. The members’ attention was drawn to paragraph 7.156 of the report, which addressed the matter and the conclusion that it was not considered by officers that a contribution could be substantiated for the reasons set out. It was also confirmed that members were welcome to debate this matter, if they wished.


The Committee was addressed by Mr Blackwell, the applicant’s agent, who supported the officer’s report and recommendations for the following reasons:


(a)          the proposal would contribute towards Council’s five-year housing supply in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework;            

(b)          the proposal would not prejudice the potential future development of the land to the North, in East Hampshire District in accordance with one of criteria set out in the emerging policy of the HBLP 2036. Furthermore, the indicative details showed that land within the East Hampshire District administrative area would be managed to safeguard the potential for further new homes should East Hampshire District Council choose to allocate such in their emerging review Local Plan;


(c)          the proposed public open space provision, including the community orchard exceeded the open space requirements;


(d)          the proposed flood mitigation measures and drainage strategy could accommodate the proposed development and any development on the land to the north of the application site within East Hampshire;


(e)          the access to the site and crematorium was owned by the applicant and would be continued to be owned by them; the applicant had granted the crematorium a right to use this access.


(f)           appropriate mitigation and enhancements were proposed to ensure that there were no residual effects on bats                                                                


In response to questions from members of the Committee, Mr Blackwell advised that:


(i)           the proposed layout would be designed to enable the land to the north of the site to be developed, if East Hampshire District Council decided to allocate this land for housing purposes in any future local plan;


(ii)          the proposal had been submitted after discussions with both this Council and East Hampshire District Council


(iii)         the provision of the community orchard would be dependent upon East Hampshire District Council (EHDC) granting consent for a partner planning application submitted to them and EHDC entering into a S106 agreement to secure the arrangements for this proposed orchard;


(iv)         the management arrangements for the proposed community orchard would be included in the S106 Agreement referred to in (iii) above;


(v)          a pedestrian/cycle route was proposed to connect into the existing provision at the Linden Homes development to the west. Pedestrians wishing to travel from the Linden Homes development eastwards would use the proposed pedestrian/cycle route to the emergency access, enter the proposed residential development and re-join Bartons Road at the main access;


(vi)         a box junction would be introduced at the junction of the access to the proposed development to ensure that traffic did not block this entrance; and


(vii)        the highways authority opposed a new access onto Bartons Road.           

In response to questions from the Committee, officers:


(AA)      indicated where the affordable housing properties were located on the indicative plan. A decision on the location of the affordable housing was a matter for the reserved matters application;


(BB)      indicated that bats were likely to forage the site but that the woodland and woodland strip to the west of the site were particularly important routes;


(CC)      advised that the application site showed signs of being farmed recently;


(DD)      reported that a nutrient budget had been provided in line with Natural England’s advice dated June 2019;


(EE)      advised that the site was nutrient neutral/positive. Therefore, a mitigation package was not required for this development;


(FF)       advised that the indicative plan indicated where roads for any proposed development on land to the north of the application site could link with this development;


(HH)      reported that EHDC had not allocated the land to the north of the application site for housing purposes. The Committee was therefore required to only consider the application submitted which provided housing within Havant Borough and supporting green infrastructure with EHDC area;


(II)          advised that the S106 agreement could include a provision requiring the orchard to be planted before the commencement of the remainder of the development;


(JJ)        confirmed that the timing for the planting of the landscape buffer would be controlled under recommended condition 7;


(KK)      advised that provisions to ensure that the ecological mitigation measures proposed would be kept in perpetuity would be considered when finalising the Section 106 agreement;


(LL)       advised that a person, who wished to amend a S106 agreement within 5 years from the date of the agreement would need the consent all the parties involved. After this period a person bound by a Section 106 agreement would need the consent of the Local Panning Authority, which could be sought through the application process;


(LL)       showed the location of the crossing point in Bartons Road;


(MM)     reported that the Education Authority had requested a contribution towards the provision of additional places at Sharps Copse School; a contribution towards the provision of places at secondary schools had not been requested as these schools were operating under their capacity;


(NN)      advised that Sharps Copse School and St Albans School were approximately 1.4 km and 14.6 km away from the proposed development respectively;

(OO)      advised that the request for funding from the Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust was not in relation to the provision of physical infrastructure but instead was intended to meet a revenue (staff) gap;


(PP)      the amended condition 20 was still necessary to conform with the emerging local plan; and


(QQ)      without the development of this site, there would not be a sufficient supply of new housing in the Borough which would in turn put sites not currently allocated or identified in the current or emerging local plan at risk of development.


The Committee discussed this application in detail together with the views raised by the deputee.


The Committee, in particular, discussed the relationship of the proposed development to the crematorium. The Committee acknowledged that a number of conditions, such as the height restriction of the dwellings, had been recommended to reduce the impact of the development on the crematorium. However, the Committee also felt that the character and setting of the crematorium especially during the construction of the development would be further protected if the:


(AA)      S106 agreement included a provision requiring the planting of the community orchard before the commencement of the remainder of the development; and


(BB)      the conditions required the screening proposed for the access road to the crematorium and the boundaries of the site adjoining the crematorium to include semi-mature trees.


The Committee also considered that, in view of the relationship of the proposed development to the crematorium, the reserved matters application relating to this outline application should be determined by this Committee and not under delegated powers by the officers.


It was therefore,




A)          any reserved matters application for development of this site should be submitted for determination by the Committee and not dealt with by the officers under delegated powers; and


B)          the Head of Planning be authorised to grant outline consent for application APP/19/00007 subject to the following:


            a)         a Section 106 Agreement to secure the following matters;


·                     Affordable Housing

·                     Nitrate Mitigation Requirements

·                     Ecological Mitigation Requirements

·                     SUDS - including SUDs Bond

·                     Children's Play Area

·                     Common Parts Management and Maintenance

·                     Community Orchard Management and Maintenance (including a provision of its planting prior to the commencement of development)

·                     Education Contribution £313,875

·                     Health Contribution £11,520

·                     Community Officer £18,000

·                     Solent Recreation Mitigation Strategy Contribution (based on Reserved Matters bedroom numbers)

·                     Provision of Public Open Space

·                     Permissive Paths

·                     Highways Agreement

·                     Highways Works

·                     Travel Plan Requirements

·                     Monitoring Fee


              b)          a deed of variation to the S106 legal agreement dating from 1992 as set out in paragraph 7.159 of the submitted report;


              c)           the granting of planning permission reference 53322/003 by East Hampshire District Council;


              d)          the following conditions (subject such other changes and/or additions that the Head of Planning considers necessary to impose prior to the issuing of the decision):


                            1       Application for approval of reserved matters must be made not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission and the development must be begun not later than whichever is the later of the following dates: (a)The expiration of three years from the date of this permission; or (b)The expiration of two years from the final approval of the reserved  matters, or in the case of approval on different dates, the final  approval of the last such matter to be approved.


                                      Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


                            2       The approval of the Local Planning Authority shall be obtained in respect of the following reserved matters before the development first takes place: appearance; landscaping; layout; and scale.


                                      Reason: The application is granted in outline only under the provisions of Article 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 and details of the matters referred to in the condition have not been submitted for consideration.


                            3       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:



                                      Planning Statement Wessex Environmental Planning

                                      Design and Access Statement December 2018 Rev B

                                      Transport Assessment C & A Consulting Engineers Ltd Project No. 17-055 December 2018

                                      Travel Plan C & A Consulting Engineers Ltd Project No. 17-055 Rev A May 2019

                                      Technical Note (Response to Highway Authorities Comments) C & A Consulting Engineers Ltd Ref: 17-055-007 May 2019

                                      Technical Note (Response to Highway Authorities Comments) C & A Consulting Engineers Ltd Ref: 17-055-009 July 2019

                                      Technical Note (Response to Highway Authorities Comments) C & A Consulting Engineers Ltd Ref: 17-055-010 September 2019

                                      Preliminary Services Appraisal C & A Consulting Engineers Ltd Project No. 17-055 December 2018

                                      Phase 2 Ecological Surveys The Ecology Co-op Project No:2602 Rev 01 16th November 2018

                                      Appropriate Assessment Screening Statement The Ecology Co-op Project No: 2602 16th November 2018

                                      Biodiversity Mitigation and Enhancement Plan Project No: 2602 16th November 2018

                                      Lighting Mitigation Report WLC Doc Ref: WLC208-LMR-01 Issue 01 8th April 2019

                                      Outdoor Lighting Report WLC Project No. WLC208 8th April 2019

                                      Lighting Detail Impact on Dark Corridor Drawing No. WLC208-1300-001

                                      Nutrient Budget for Camp Field Earthcare Technical Ref: ETL412/19 15th May 2019

                                      Addendum to Nutrient Budget Ref: ETL412/19 12th July 2019

                                      Landscape and Visual Impact Appraisal Terrafirma Rev 3 December 2018

                                      Flood Risk Assessment and Surface Water Drainage Strategy C & A Consulting Engineers Ltd Project No. 17-055 December 2018

                                      Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment Orion Heritage Ltd April 2018

                                      Affordable Housing Position Wessex Environmental Planning

                                      Amended Affordable Housing Email Wessex Environmental Planning dated 27th August 2019

                                      Acoustic Position Statement Wessex Environmental Planning

                                      Technical Note Surface Water Drainage C & A Consulting Engineers Ltd Ref: 18-055-008 May 2019

                                      Noise Impact Assessment Clarke Saunders Acoustics 3rd April 2019

                                      Minerals Assessment Ground and Water Ref: GWPR3240

                                      Schedule of Accommodation 190820 Rev J

                                      Statement of Conformity with Pre-Submission Havant Borough Local Plan 2036



                                      Location Plan Drawing No. 089 PL 01

                                      Existing Site Plan Drawing No. 089 PL 02

                                      Master Plan Drawing No. 089 PL 04 K

                                      Master Plan Unit Types 089 PL 05 J

                                      Land Contingency Plan Drawing No. 089 PL 11

                                      Affordable Housing Plan Drawing No. 089 PL 12 C

                                      Tree Constraints Plan Drawing No. BJH 01/02 (1 of 4)

                                      Tree Constraints Plan Drawing No. BJH 01/02 (2 of 4)

                                      Tree Constraints Plan Drawing No. BJH 01/02 (3 of 4)

                                      Tree Constraints Plan Drawing No. BJH 01/02 (4 of 4)

                                      Tree Protection Plan Drawing No. BJH 03/04 (1 of 2)

                                      Tree Protection Plan Drawing No. BJH 03/04 (2 of 2)

                                      Landscape Plan Drawing No. 1917-TF-00-00-DR-L-1001 P04

                                      Landscape Plan Drawing No. 1917-TF-00-00-DR-L-1002 P06

                                      Planting Plan Drawing No. 1917-TF-00-00-DR-L-3001

                                      Planting Plan Drawing No. 1917-TF-00-00-DR-L-3002

                                      Indicative Foul Drainage Strategy Drawing No. 17-055-029

                                      Indicative Surface Water Drainage Strategy Drawing No. 17-055-031 Rev A

                                      Proposed Site Access and Emergency Access Drawing No. 17-055-011 Rev J


                                      Reason: - To ensure provision of a satisfactory development.


                            4       The development hereby permitted shall provide a total of 72 dwellings.


                                      Reason: To ensure that the development makes the best use of land on this green field site having due regard to policy CS9 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and policies H3 and H18 of the Pre-Submission Havant Borough Local Plan 2036 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            5       Notwithstanding the submitted Arboricultural information the development hereby permitted shall not commence including site clearance unless and until a finalised Arboricultural Impact Assessment, Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


                                      Reason: To safeguard the continued health and presence of such existing vegetation and protect the amenities of the locality and having due regard to policies CS11 and CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework


                            6       The development hereby permitted shall not commence including site clearance until all trees that are to be retained within or adjacent to the site have been enclosed with temporary protective fencing in accordance with BS:5837:2012 'Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction. Recommendations'. The fencing shall be retained throughout the period of construction and no activity prohibited by BS:5837:2012 shall take place within such protective fencing during the construction period.


                                      Reason: To safeguard the continued health and presence of such existing vegetation and protect the amenities of the locality and having due regard to policies CS11 and CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            7       No development hereby permitted shall be commenced until a more detailed soft landscaping scheme for all open parts of the site not proposed to be hardsurfaced has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Such scheme shall specify the proposed finished ground levels in relation to the existing levels, the distribution and species of ground cover to be planted, the positions, species and planting sizes of the trees and shrubs to be planted and/or retained, and timing provisions for completion of the implementation of all such landscaping works.


                                      The implementation of all such approved landscaping shall be completed in full accordance with such approved timing provisions.  Any tree or shrub planted or retained as part of such approved landscaping scheme which dies or is otherwise removed within the first 5 years shall be replaced with another of the same species and size in the same position during the first available planting season.


                                      Reason:  To ensure the appearance of the development is satisfactory and having due regard to policies CS16 and DM8 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            8       No development hereby permitted shall commence until plans and particulars specifying the layout, depth and capacity of all foul and surface water drains, SuDs features and sewers proposed to serve the same, and details of any other proposed ancillary drainage works/plant (e.g. pumping stations) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Unless agreed otherwise in writing by the Local Planning Authority, the development hereby permitted shall not be brought into use prior to the completion of the implementation of all such drainage provision in full accordance with such plans and particulars as are thus approved by the Authority.


                                      Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the locality and ensure that all such drainage provision is constructed to an appropriate standard and quality and having due regard to policies and proposals CS15, CS16 and DM10 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            9       Notwithstanding any description of materials in the application no above ground construction works shall take place until samples and a full specification of the materials to be used externally on the building(s) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details shall include the type, colour and texture of the materials. Only the materials so approved shall be used, in accordance with any terms of such approval.


                                      Reason: To ensure the appearance of the development is satisfactory and having due regard to policy CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            10     No part of the development shall be first occupied until details of the type, siting, design and materials to be used in the construction of all means of enclosure including boundaries, screens or retaining walls, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the approved structures have been erected in accordance with the approved details. The structures shall thereafter be retained.


                                      Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the locality and occupiers of neighbouring property and having due regard to policy CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            11     The development shall not commence unless and until details of the relocation/reconstruction of the Crematorium front entrance pillars, gates and signage including detailed siting, construction details, materials and timing of the works has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


                                      Reason: In the interests of the character and setting of the crematorium, to maintain a good quality of environment and allow easy identification and legibility for the sensitive use having due regard to policy CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            12     The development hereby approved shall be a maximum of two and a half storeys in height (incorporating rooms in the roofspace).


                                      Reason: In the interests of the character and visual amenities of the area give the sites location on the interface between urban and non-urban areas and having due regard to policy CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and policy E3 of the Pre-Submission Havant Borough Local Plan 2036 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            13     No development shall take place until details of existing and finished floor and site levels relative to previously agreed off-site datum point(s) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details.


                                      Reason: In the interests of the character and amenities of the area and neighbouring residents having due regard to Havant Borough Local Plan policy CS16 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            14     No dwelling hereby permitted shall be first occupied anywhere on the site until the road(s) serving that dwelling have been laid to at least base course.


                                      Reason:    To avoid excess soil being deposited on the existing roads and having due regard to policy DM10 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            15     Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted (or such other date or stage in development as may be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority) plans and particulars specifying the alignment, width, gradient and type of construction proposed for all footways, roads and individual accesses thereto (including all relevant horizontal cross and longitudinal sections) and the related provision to be made for street lighting and for surface water disposal and a programme for the implementation and making up of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The implementation and making up of the same shall be completed in full accordance with such plans, particulars and programme as are thus approved by the Authority.


                                      Reason: To ensure that they are constructed to satisfactory standard and, where appropriate a standard which will enable them to be taken over as publicly maintained highways and having due regard to policies CS16 and CS20 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            16     Car and Cycle Parking shall meet the requirements of the Havant Borough Council Parking Supplementary Planning Document 2016 (as amended) in relation to residential car parking and cycle parking requirements.


                                      Reason: To ensure adequate on site car and cycle parking in the interests of the amenities of the area and to encourage non-car basted trips in relation to cycle parking provision having due regard to policies DM13 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011, the Havant Borough Council Parking Supplementary Planning Document 2016 (as amended) and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            17     The development hereby permitted shall not commence unless and until the implementation of a programme of archaeological assessment in accordance with a Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) has been secured, submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in order to recognise, characterise and record any archaeological features and deposits that may exist here. The assessment should initially take the form of trial trenches that are within the footprints of the proposed houses, garages, access roads and service trenches.


                                      Reason: To assess the extent, nature and date of any archaeological deposits that might be present and the impact of the development upon these heritage assets having due regard to policy CS11 of the Havant Borough Local Plan 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            18     The development hereby permitted shall not commence unless and until the implementation of a programme of archaeological mitigation of impact, based on the results of the trial trenching, in accordance with a Written Scheme of Investigation has been secured, submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.


                                      Reason: To mitigate the effect of the works associated with the development upon any heritage assets and to ensure that information regarding these heritage assets is preserved by record for future generations having due regard to policy CS11 of the Havant Borough Local Plan 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            19     Following completion of archaeological fieldwork a report will be produced in accordance with an approved programme submitted by the developer and approved in writing by the local planning authority setting out and securing appropriate post-excavation assessment, specialist analysis and reports, publication and public engagement.


                                      Reason: To contribute to our knowledge and understanding of our past by ensuring that opportunities are taken to capture evidence from the historic environment and to make this publicly available having due regard to policy CS11 of the Havant Borough Local Plan 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            20     No part of the development hereby permitted shall be occupied until a water efficiency calculation in accordance with the Government's National Calculation Methodology for assessing water efficiency in new dwellings has been undertaken which demonstrates that no more than 110 litres of water per person per day shall be consumed within the development, and this calculation has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. All measures necessary to meet the agreed water efficiency calculation must be installed before first occupation and retained thereafter.


                                      Reason: There is existing evidence of high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water environment with evidence of eutrophication at some European designated nature conservation sites in the Solent catchment. The PUSH Integrated Water Management Strategy has identified that there is uncertainty as to whether new housing development can be accommodated without having a detrimental impact on the designated sites within the Solent. Further detail regarding this can be found in the appropriate assessment that was carried out regarding this planning application. To ensure that the proposal may proceed as sustainable development, there is a duty upon the local planning authority to ensure that necessary avoidance measures are provided against any impacts which might arise upon the designated sites. In coming to this decision, the Council have had regard to Regulation 63 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017, Policy CS11 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and Policy E14 of the Pre-Submission Havant Borough Local Plan 2036.


                            21     Notwithstanding any details of lighting submitted no above ground construction works shall take place unless and until full details of lighting which shall take account of ecological requirements and site security / safety has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details shall include, Location, height, type and direction of light sources and intensity of illumination.  The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Any lighting scheme agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority shall not thereafter be altered without prior consent other than for routine maintenance, which does not change its details.


                                      Reason: To protect the occupants of nearby properties, on and off site, from light disturbance / pollution, in the interests of protected species and biodiversity and to ensure appropriate security / safety for future residents having due regard to policies CS11 and CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            22     Prior to the commencement of the development full details of the Electrical Vehicle (EV) Charging points, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall demonstrate that EV charging points are provided for each residential unit with off street parking and that a minimum of 10% of spaces within any communal parking areas for flats are provided with EV charging points. The details shall include the location of the EV charging points and a full specification of the materials to be used externally on the Charging points. Only the materials so approved shall be used, in accordance with any terms of such approval.


                                      Reason: To ensure that the development provides appropriate facilities for Electric Vehicles in the interests of the environment, air quality and that the appearance of the development is satisfactory having due regard to policies CS 11, CS16 and DM10 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and Policy IN3 of the Pre-Submission Havant Borough Local Plan 2036 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            23     The details submitted in relation to the Reserved Matters application shall include details to demonstrate that low carbon design can be achieved. These details shall include:


        Integration of solar gain, natural ventilation, or ventilation with heat recovery, fabric performance and Passivhaus principles into the layout and design;

        Measures to minimise greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency of buildings;

        Measures/assessment of the potential use of district heat or combined heat and power where appropriate.

          The following standards are expected to be achieved:

        Assessment under the Home Quality Mark ONE, or equivalent.

          Reason: To help to address Climate Change through low carbon design and having due regard to policies CS11, CS16 and DM10 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and Policy E12 of the Pre-Submission Havant Borough Local Plan 2036 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            24     The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied unless and until details of dog bin provision have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and provided on site


                                      Reason: In the interests of amenity and to ensure that impacts to nutrients in the environment are minimised having due regard to the impacts on protected sites and policies CS11 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011, policies E15 and E16 of the Pre-Submission Havant Borough Local Plan 2036 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            25     The dwellings hereby permitted shall not be occupied unless and until details of the means of preventing vehicular access to the site for residents and visitors from the emergency access route are submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved details shall be implemented in accordance with a timetable for the works and maintained in the approved form.


                                      Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to prevent conflict with pedestrians and cyclists, to avoid general vehicular use of the emergency access and having due regard to policies CS20 and DM11 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            26     The development Hereby permitted shall not commence unless and until a detailed Construction Management Plan which includes the following information and measures has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed by the Local Planning Authority:


                                      In relation to Highways Matters


        Details of construction traffic routes and their management and control,

        Parking and turning provision to be made on site for construction vehicles and site workers no parking or unloading of construction and workers vehicles shall take place excepting in the approved areas. The approved parking provision shall be kept available and used only as such.

        The provision to be made within the site for a material storage compound during site clearance and the construction of the development. The approved storage compound shall be kept available and used only as such.

        Measures to prevent mud being deposited on the highway,

        Adequate provision for addressing any abnormal wear and tear to the highway, A programme for construction.


                                      In relation to Minerals Resources:


        A method for ensuring that minerals that are excavated during the development operations are recovered and put to beneficial use; and

        A method to record the quantity of recovered mineral (re-use on site or off site) and to report this data to the Minerals Planning Authority upon completion of the development.

          In relation to Environmental Matters

        Hours of work

        No bonfires on site

        Details of measures to prevent dust

        No radios on site

        Measures to be employed to minimise construction noise from the site

        Lighting during the construction phase (if any)


                                      Reason: To ensure that the development is carried out in an environmentally sensitive manner, ensures that highway impacts are mitigated, ensures where possible the re-use of materials, provides appropriate mitigation from the works in relation to sensitive uses beyond the site (Crematorium and Residential Properties) having due regard to policies CS11, CS16, CS20, DM10 and DM11 of the Havant Borough Local Plan 2011 Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan (2013) Policy 15 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            27     No construction traffic or associated construction workers traffic shall enter the construction site via the Crematorium Access. The construction access to the site shall be via the emergency access to the site and this should be made accessible and used as the vehicular access for construction vehicles during the build out of the site unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


                                      The connection to the Crematorium access road and associated works to the access shall be carried out in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details shall include a programme for the works, phasing arrangements, measures to retain access to the Crematorium during the works and mitigation of any disturbance. The works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


                                      Reason: To prevent conflicts in construction traffic and vehicles entering/egressing the crematorium in the interests of highway safety and preserving the environment of the Crematorium having due regard to policies CS16, DM10 and DM11 of the Havant Borough Local Plan 2011, policy E1 of the Pre-Submission Havant Borough Local Plan 2036 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            28     No development shall take place, including any works or demolition, until a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter the approved plan shall be implemented and adhered to throughout the entire construction period unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The CEMP shall identify the steps and procedures that will avoid or mitigate impacts on the ecological interests and sensitivities at the site. The CEMP shall ensure best working practices are maintained during the construction phase and provide details as appropriate but not necessarily be restricted to the following matters:



                                      The CEMP should address the following impacts:


        Storage of construction materials/chemicals and equipment

        Dust suppression

        Chemical and/or fuel run-off from construction into nearby watercourse(s)

        Waste disposal

        Noise/visual/vibrational impacts on bats

        Lighting impacts on bats.


                                      Reason: In the interests of protected species and the sider environment having due regard to policies CS11 and DM10 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            29     The dwellings hereby permitted shall be designed to meet appropriate internal and external space standards as set out in the nationally described space standard (or any subsequent Government Standard) and in policy H1 of the Pre-Submission Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


                                      Reason: To ensure high quality new homes and healthy living environments for future residents having due regard to policy H1 of the Pre-Submission Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            30     No Piling or foundation works shall take place unless and until a method statement (detailing the depth and type of piling/foundation to be undertaken and the methodology by which such piling / foundation will be carried out, including measures to prevent and minimise the potential for damage to subsurface water infrastructure and resources, vibration and the programme for the works and measures to reduce noise impacts to residential properties and the adjacent crematorium) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation in with Portsmouth Water. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


                                      Reason: To ensure that the proposed development, does not harm groundwater resources in line with paragraph 109 of the National Planning Policy Framework and policy DM10 of Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011. Piling using penetrative methods can result in risks to potable supplies from, for example, by mobilising contamination and drilling through different aquifers and creating preferential pathways. In addition to ensure that any proposed piling is carried out to minimise the disturbance to residential properties and the adjacent crematorium.


                            31     No development shall commence unless and until details of measures to be undertaken to protect the public sewer crossing the site have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


                                      Reason: In order to protect existing drainage infrastructure and to avoid flood risk having due regard to policies CS15 and DM10 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                            32     No above ground construction   works shall take place unless and until details specifying:


        that the acoustic mitigation measures to be employed with regard to the building envelope, including fenestration and ventilation, for all residential units, will meet BS8223:2014 standards as recommended for indoor ambient noise levels for dwellings, especially in relation to living rooms and bedrooms i.e. during the day (07:00 to 23:00) 35 dB L Aeq,16 hour and at night (23:00 to 07:00) 30 dB L Aeq,8 hour for bedrooms, and;


        Similarly for traditional external areas that are used for personal amenity space, such as gardens and patios, it is desirable that the external noise level does not exceed 50 dB LAeq with an upper guideline value of 55 dB LAeq in noisier environments


          have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved specification.


                                      Reason:  To ensure the residential amenity of the properties is not impacted upon by any external noise levels, especially traffic noise having due regard to policy CS16 and DM10 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011, policy DM18 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Allocations) 2014 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


                                      Note:   Based on the aforementioned acoustic report / assessment to be provided, it is also likely that post verification reports shall be requested.


                            33     The details to be submitted in respect of reserved matters shall make provision for the following:


                                      Crime Prevention:


        Details of appropriate boundary treatments to properties backing on to open space, landscaping, flank dwelling walls to roads and SuDs areas.

        Natural surveillance to the accesses.

        Details of measures to prevent private motor vehicle access to the field to the northern part of the site.

        Details of lighting throughout the site




        Details of a shared use connection between the emergency access and the main site access internal to the development

        The reserved matters layout shall make provision for potential future vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access to the northern area of the side beyond the existing residential part of the site.

        The internal road layout shall ensure that it provides access for a 26t refuse collection vehicle


                                      Landscaping Requirements:


        Significant landscape buffer to the access road to the Crematorium

        Provision of a landscaped bund to the Crematorium access road to include the provision of semi-ature trees

        Car parking to provide enhanced landscaping with planting breaking up long runs of parking. In addition, the parking layout should ensure that allocated parking is located conveniently for future residents in close proximity to their dwelling.

        On site open space should seek to provide good connectivity for pedestrians and avoid extensive parking to the perimeter of the open space.

        The soft landscaping scheme with the reserved matters application shall be fully detailed in relation to species of trees, shrubs, hedges, marginal, bulbs and any areas of turfing / seeding. Details of tree pit details, specification schedules, including plant size, number and density and implementation programme.

        Full details of hard landscaping shall be provided.

        Details of footpath route the community Orchard


                                      Reason: to ensure that the Reserved Matters application takes account of requirements in relation to crime prevention, infrastructure requirements, potential future development and landscaping requirements having due regard to policies CS11 and CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 policy H18 of the Pre-Submission Havant Borough Local Plan 2036, Havant Borough Design Guide SPD 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.

Supporting documents: