
Agenda item

APP/19/00427 - Land at Lower Road, Bedhampton


Proposal: Development of 50 new dwellings together with access, landscaping and open space.


The site was viewed at the request of the Chairman of the Development Management Committee.


The Working Party received a written report and update paper by the Head of Planning, which identified the following key considerations:


(i)         principle of development;


(ii)        the nature of development;


(iii)       impact on heritage asset;


(iv)       impact on the character and appearance of the area;


(v)        residential and neighbouring amenity;


(vi)       access and highway implications;


(vii)      Flooding and drainage;


(viii)     The effect of development on ecology;


(ix)       Impact on trees;


(x)        Impact on archaeology; and


(xi)       Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), contribution requirements and legal agreement.


Prior to visiting the site, the members received a briefing from the officers outlining the report and update paper and identified the following issues for consideration by the Working Party when it visited the site:


(a)          the relationship between the historic route of Narrow Marsh Lane and the development;


(b)          the progress of the archaeological excavations that had commenced on site


(c)          the relationship between adjoining properties and the proposed development


(d)          the impact of the proposal on the highway network; and


(e)          the impact on the landscape.




In response to factual questions raised by members of the Working Party, the officers advised that:

·                         the application site matched the parameters of the site submitted for inclusion in the Local Plan as a development site.


·                         the conifers in the tree screen on the eastern boundary of the site would not be removed until the new planting on this boundary had matured.


·                         the County Archaeologist had confirmed that provided any findings were properly recorded he had no objections to the site being built on.


·                         the Community orchard and open spaces on the development would be managed by a Management Company.


(the meeting adjourned at 1.07 pm and reconvened at the application site at 1.45pm)


The Working Party viewed the site, the subject of the application, to assess whether there were any additional matters that should be considered by the Development Management Committee. On the site, the members’ attention was drawn to:


·                         the route of Narrow Marsh Lane as identified by the archaeological dig and the historic plans and its relationship with the proposed development


·                         the layout of the proposed development


·                         the relationship between the proposed development and adjoining properties


·                         the existing tree screen on the eastern boundary of the site


·                         the relationship of the proposed footpath and the development with the adjoining railway footbridge


The Working Party also viewed:


·                         the proposed access and its relationship with adjoining properties and Lower Road


·                         the industrial unit in Lower Road and its relationship with adjoining properties and the proposed development


·                         the conservation area


·                         the site of the proposed highway improvements


·                         the access points to the footpath linking Lodge Road with Bedhampton Hill Road


·                         the Bedhampton Hill roundabout


RESOLVED that, based on the site inspection and information available at the time, the following additional information be provided to the Development Management Committee:


a            clarification on whether the roads to be constructed within the development would be adopted as highways maintainable at the public expense; and


b            details of any reasons given (if available) for the parameters of the application site when it was submitted for inclusion as a development site within the Local Plan