
Executive Decisions

Use the below search options to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by: the council’s executive decision making bodies; individual cabinet members; and key decisions taken by officers.

Decisions published

23/04/2024 - Waterlooville Vacant Shop Scheme - Dragonfly Arts Centre ref: 588    Recommendations Approved

This is a key strand for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and should help facilitate new business to the Waterlooville High Street.



Decision Maker: Executive Head of Regeneration and Enforcement

Decision published: 24/04/2024

Effective from: 23/04/2024


Decision to release £10,000 from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to Dragonfly Arts Centre LTD as part of the delivery of the Waterlooville Vacant Shop Scheme funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.



12/03/2024 - Waterlooville Vacant Shop Scheme ref: 587    Recommendations Approved

This is a key strand for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and should help facilitate new business to the Waterlooville High Street.



Decision Maker: Executive Head of Regeneration and Enforcement

Decision published: 24/04/2024

Effective from: 12/03/2024


Decision to release £50,000 from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to Koyes Khan Holdings LTD as part of the delivery of the Waterlooville Vacant Shop Scheme funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.



18/04/2024 - Discharge of UKSPF funds ref: 586    Recommendations Approved

The Waterlooville Masterplan highlighted the corner of Swiss Road and Saint Georges Walk as being a key route for people using the town centre.

The provenance of this buildings position and the poor condition of the exterior of the building, which used to be a café and had deteriorating and old HBC branding.

The use of the building as a boxing club which fits with emerging plans to draw people to the town centre for uses other than retail to provide a mixed offering.

Links to UKSPF KPI’s

Community asset

Fits with improving aesthetic of the town centre and will compliment other public realm improvements.



Decision Maker: Executive Head of Regeneration and Enforcement

Decision published: 23/04/2024

Effective from: 18/04/2024


To provide UKSPF funding to Waterlooville Boxing Club for improvements to the exterior of the building to meet the following UKSPF KPI’s to the value of £3999.

·       UKSPF E1 Communities & Place - Improvements to town centres & High Streets: E1-3 Number of rehabilitated premises Target: 26

·       UKSPF E2 Community & Place - Community & Neighbourhood Infrastructure Projects:  E1-9 Sqm of Land made wheelchair accessible/step free Target: 12000m2

·       UKSPF E5 Community & Place: E5-2 Number of neighbourhood improvements undertaken Target: 1



12/03/2024 - Confirmation of Tree Preservation Order (TPO)) (2136) 2023 ref: 585    Recommendations Approved

Section E16 of the Officer Scheme of Delegation authorises the Executive Head of Place to “exercise all powers relating to trees and high hedges under the terms of the Town and Country Planning Act” This is explicitly highlighted as including the making, confirmation of, amending, varying or revoking of a Tree Preservation Order.

Decision Maker: Executive Head of Place

Decision published: 15/04/2024

Effective from: 12/03/2024


I hereby authorise the confirmation of Tree Preservation Order 2136 at 39 Bridgefoot Path, Emsworth, PO10 7EB