
Agenda and draft minutes

Joint West of Waterlooville Major Development Area Planning Committee - Wednesday, 29th August, 2018 3.00 pm

Venue: Hollybank Room, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, Hants PO9 2AX. View directions

Contact: Nicholas Rogers  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Apologies and Deputy Members

To record the names of apologies given and Deputy Members who are attending the meeting in place of appointed Members.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Clear and Howard, with Councillors Izard and Cresswell in attendance as deputies.



Declarations of Interests

To receive any disclosure of interests from members and officers in matters to be discussed


There were no declarations of interest from members present relating to matters on the agenda.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 94 KB

To approve the minutes of the Joint West of Waterlooville Major Development Planning Committee held on 27 February 2018.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the last meeting of the Joint West of Waterlooville Major Development Area Planning Committee held on 27 February 2018 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman to report on any matters relevant to the Committee.



There were no Chairman’s announcements.



17/02957/REM - Berewood Phase 9B, West Of Marrelsmoor Avenue, Waterlooville, Hampshire pdf icon PDF 221 KB

Proposal:       Berewood Phase 9b. Reserved Matters Application comprising 75 residential dwellings, associated amenity space, access, garages, parking, internal roads, pathways and associated landscaping. (Matters of layout, appearance, access, landscape and scale pursuant to application ref: 10/02862/OUT). Discharge of conditions 3, 6, (ii) a) b) d) f) h) i) j) k) I) m) n), 11, 18 (AFFECTS THE SETTING OF A PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY).


Parish:           Southwick and Widley Parish and Wickham ward.


Associated Documents: https://tinyurl.com/y8vn67yv



Additional documents:


Proposal:       Berewood Phase 9b. Reserved Matters Application comprising 75 residential dwellings, associated amenity space, access, garages, parking, internal roads, pathways and associated landscaping. (Matters of layout, appearance, access, landscape and scale pursuant to application ref: 10/02862/OUT). Discharge of conditions 3, 6, (ii) a) b) d) f) h) i) j) k) I) m) n), 11, 18 (AFFECTS THE SETTING OF A PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY).


Parish:           Southwick And Widley. Wickham Ward.


The Committee considered the written report from the Principal Planning Officer and the recommendation to grant permission.


The Committee also received an update sheet, circulated prior to the meeting.


Following questions from the Committee, officers advised the following:


·         The total number of houses across Phase 9 would be finalised with the submission of plans for Phase 9c. Any increase in the total number of houses exceeding that permitted in the outline planning permission would require a new planning permission.


·         The density of homes in Phase 9b would be 34 homes per hectare.


·         The external materials were consistent with other developments on the MDA and were of a good quality.


·         Roof designs across the proposed buildings were similar and consistent, as per the guidance of design codes. There was however some variety in roof design due to differing storey height and the presence on some buildings of dormer windows.


·         There were no specific outdoor drying areas for the flats situated to the north of Phase 9b.


·         Both hard and soft landscaping plans were sympathetic to the area and were considered to be of a high quality by officers. Soft landscaping plans highlighted a number of attractive planting areas, while paved courtyard areas were proposed to separate stretches of tarmacked paving.


·         A management company would be responsible for the maintenance of car parks and courtyard areas.


·         Parking for the proposed allotments and nature reserve to the north of Phase 9b would be considered as part of the planning application for the next phase of works. There would also be vehicular access through Phase 9a to the allotments and nature reserve.


·         It was the intention that garages be used to house vehicles and remain this use as per Condition 3. Low road speeds and the anticipated low levels of traffic would also reduce the negative impacts of any triple parking which were generally away from the main road.


·         The application included provision for a total of 180 parking spaces (including garages).


·         In terms of affordable housing, 1 and 2 bedroom properties were in the highest demand and this was reflected in the number available as part of the affordable housing contribution.


The Committee was then addressed by the following deputees:


1.    Mr Henderson and Mr Lee, who supported the officer’s recommendation for the following reasons:


a)    The density of homes was consistent with the envisaged plan for the site and would represent a balanced use of the land.


b)    The proposed external materials to be used were of a high quality and these would not be harsh in colour.


c)    The proposed flats  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.