
Agenda item

20 Summerhill Road, Waterlooville, PO8 8XE - APP/17/00101

Proposal: First floor side extension.


Associated documents:





(The Site was viewed by the Site Viewing Working Party).

The Committee considered the written report and recommendation from the Head of Planning Services to grant permission.


The Committee was addressed by the following deputees:


(1)  Mrs C Trafford who objected to the proposal for the following reasons:

a.     Whilst not against planning and development in principle, the proposal would result in a significant detrimental impact upon the view and amount of natural light available to the western frontage of the neighbouring property

b.    The proposal was unsympathetic to the street scene due to its height and bulk

c.    The proposal would have a significant detrimental impact to the amenities of the neighbouring property.

(2)  Mrs Wallace-Jones, who supported the proposal for the following reasons:

d.    The design was sympathetic to the character of the area and the street scene

e.    The proposal was necessary to safely meet the specific physical needs of those living in the property

f.     The proposal had no impact upon the amenities to the rear of the neighbouring property

g.    The loss of light had been calculated to be between 3-6% and the light reflecting silicone render that was proposed to be used would mitigate any loss of light to the neighbouring property.


(3)  Cllr D Keast, who objected to the proposal for the following reasons:

h.    The proposal would result in a 14ft high frontage facing the neighbouring property which would be both oppressive and depressive

i.      The proposal would have a significant detrimental impact on the natural light available to the kitchen and courtyard of the neighbouring property

j.      The proposal was incongruous to the character of the area due to its height and bulk

k.    The impact on the neighbouring property was subjective and could not be readily quantified

l.      The design and access statement referred to in the officer’s report was not wholly accurate

m.   The proposed development would result in excessive building bulk adjacent to an existing residential property, detrimental to the visual outlook and amenities of the occupier of this property. The proposal would therefore be contrary to CS16 of the Havant Borough Core Strategy 2011 which forms part of the Local Development Framework and Planning Policy Statement 1.

In response to questions raised by the committee officers advised that:


·         The amount of light loss had not been accurately calculated by officers and the validity of the calculation made by the deputee could not be ascertained.

·         The proposed render that had been specified would have a significant positive impact upon mitigating light loss to the neighbouring property.


The Committee discussed the application together with the views raised by the deputies.


Members of the Committee raised concerns over the level of light loss caused by the proposal on the neighbouring property. Members also discussed the effect on the street scene, the character of the area and the design of the proposal. Some members were concerned about the excessive impact  on the outlook from, and light available to, the adjacent residential property, however it was also expressed that the application was suitable and would successfully mitigate light loss concerns due to the nature of the proposed render.


The meeting was adjourned from 17.55 and reconvened at 18.04.


While some members felt that the impact of the proposal on the neighbouring property was too significant, the majority of the committee were satisfied that the proposal was acceptable in planning terms. It was therefore


RESOLVED That the Head of Planning be authorised to grant permission for application APP/17/00101 subject to the following conditions:



1          The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2          With the exception of the render proposed to the side elevation, the external materials used shall match, in type, colour and texture, those of the existing building so far as practicable.

Reason: In the interests of the amenities of the area and having due regard to policy CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


3          The render to the side (east) elevation shall be painted and permanently maintained in a white or cream finish.

Reason: In the interests of the amenities of the area and the neighbouring residential property and having due regard to policy CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


4          Notwithstanding the provisions of any Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015, prior to first occupation of the extension hereby permitted the bathroom window in the first floor on the eastern elevation shall be fitted with, to a height of no less than 1.7m above finished floor level, non-opening lights and textured glass which obscuration level is no less than Level 4 of the Pilkington Texture Glass scale (or equivalent) and retained as such thereafter.

Reason: In the interests of the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties and having due regard to policy CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


5          The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


Drg No. 160806/01 Rev B  Location plan and proposed block plan

Drg No. 160804/02 Rev A  Existing ground and first floor plan

Drg No. 160806/03 Rev A  Existing elevations plan

Drg No. 160806/04 Rev C  Proposed ground and first floor plan

Drg No. 160806/05 Rev E  Proposed elevations plan

Drg No. 160806/06 Rev B  Existing and proposed roof plan

160806 Rev A Jan 17                     Design and access statement



Reason: - To ensure provision of a satisfactory development.


Supporting documents: