
Agenda item

Budget 2018/19

The 2018/19 Budget proposals will be considered by the Scrutiny Board on 30 January 2018 and any recommendations arising from that meeting will be reported separately to Cabinet.



Councillor Briggs, as Cabinet Lead for Finance, presented a report and recommendation to Cabinet setting out the proposed Revenue & Capital Budget for 2018/19 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2022/23 for onward recommendation to Council.


Members of the Cabinet sought clarification with regard to the recommendation that, during 2018/19, a minimum increase of 2.8% be applied to fees and charges not otherwise constrained by statute.  Cabinet was minded, however, to recommend that an increase of up to 2.8% be applied in 2018/19 and that if, going forward, there were proposals to increase specific fees or charges above the 2.8% threshold, these be referred back to the Cabinet.


Councillor Buckley, as Chairman of the Scrutiny Board, was invited to join the meeting and presented a report and recommendations from the Scrutiny Board arising from the budget review undertaken by the Budget Scrutiny and Policy Review Panel.


At the conclusion of the debate the Chairman took the opportunity to express his gratitude to the s151 Officer and CEO, to the Heads of Service and the members of the Scrutiny Panel for their rigorous review of all service budgets that had contributed to balancing the forthcoming year’s budget at a financially challenging time for local government.


(A)         RESOLVED that


(1)          the current Fees and Charges Schedule (Appendix G to the report) be noted; and

(2)          an increase of up to 2.8% be applied during 2018/19 to those fees and charges that are not otherwise constrained by statute, to be determined by the Chief Finance Officer in consultation with the Leader;

(B)         RECOMMENDED to full Council that it


(1)         approves the proposed Revenue & Capital Budgets for 2018/19, including a Council Tax rate of £198.54 at Band D, representing a 2.99% increase on the current charge;

(2)         notes the Cabinet decision of 7 February 2018 to apply during 18/19 an increase of up to 2.8% to those fees and charges that are not otherwise constrained by statute, to be determined by the Chief Finance Officer in consultation with the Leader;

(3)         agrees the Treasury Management Strategy and Prudential Indicators; and

(4)         reduces the Councillor Community Grants to £0 in 2018/19 and that this be subject to further review by the Scrutiny Board.

(C)         RESOLVED that


(1)          the Chief Finance Officer and the Management Team be instructed to review each service’s budget to identify funds which could be used by more than one service and that consideration be given to consolidating budgets where appropriate so that all services are aware of specific budget funds that are available and avoid the situation referred to in paragraph 10.4(a) of the submitted Budget Scrutiny Panel’s report;

(2)          the political group leaders be requested to encourage their members to consent to receiving electronic versions of all committee papers;

(3)          the officers be instructed to prepare a business case for paperless meeting papers, highlighting the costs and potential savings for this move;

(4)          the officers and Cabinet Leads be instructed to put in place communication plans for any changes to fees and charges to ensure residents are fully informed; and

(5)          the draft 2019/20 Budget Timetable for budget meetings in January and February 2019 (Appendix B to the report) be agreed.



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