
Agenda item

APP/18/00306 - Foreshore at South Hayling, Sea Front, Hayling Island



Continuation with Beach Management Activities on the South Coast of Hayling Island (Ferry Inn to Hayling Island Sailing Club) by recycling beach material to protect Eastoke from flooding. Resubmission of APP/17/00342, this submission is identical in terms of the proposal and mitigation measures to the previous application, and has been re submitted to comply with the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017, which requires planning applications with Environmental Statements to be treated as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) development.


Associated Documents


Proposal:       Continuation with Beach Management Activities on the South Coast of Hayling Island (Ferry Inn to Hayling Island Sailing Club) by recycling beach material to protect Eastoke from flooding.


The Committee was requested to consider an application which was identical in terms of the proposal and mitigation measures to application APP/17/00342, which was approved by the Committee on 27 July 2017 (Minute 37/4/2017). The Committee was advised that the application had been resubmitted to comply with the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017.


The Committee considered the written report and recommendation of the Head of Planning to adopt the appropriate assessment and grant permission.


The Committee received supplementary information, circulated prior to the meeting, which:


(a)          included a table that set out the mitigation and likely significant effects of the proposed South Hayling Island Beach Management Plan to advise the Habitat Regulations Assessment; and


(b)          comments received by Chichester Harbour Conservancy.


The Committee was addressed by Ms C Dolan and Ms L Sheffield of the Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership, who recommended that the application be permitted for the following reasons:


(a)          the Environment Agency have approved £3.3 million over the next 5 years to continue to reduce the risk of flooding and erosion at Eastoke;


(b)          the application would reduce the risk of coastal flooding to 1555 residential properties and 170 commercial properties at risk from a 1 in 200 year flood event over the next 5 years at Eastoke, as well as the main road onto the peninsula;


(c)          the application would update the current the current planning permission and in particular


              (i)           seek approval into perpetuity whilst ensuring safeguards are in place to protect the environment into the future; the current permission was due to expire in September 2019.


              (ii)          Extend the boundaries of the current permission to include Ferry Road in the west and HISC in the east. This will open up a new source of shingle for recycling activities from Gunner Point; movement of small amounts of shingle to reduce erosion at the car park at Ferry Rd; as well as the opportunity for HISC to clear their pontoon of excess sand when required; and


              (iii)         Recycling operations would typically be carried out in March and September due to environmental restrictions and as far as possible, to avoid the school holidays.



In response to questions raised by members of the Committee, the officers advised that the applicants could submit variations to the approved scheme in the future to take advantage any advancement in technology.


The Committee discussed this application in detail together with the views raised by the deputees. The Committee considered that the proposal would bring significant benefits to Hayling Island and in that there would be no significant detrimental impact as a result of the implementation of this proposal. It was therefore




(A)         as 'competent Authority' for the purposes of an Appropriate Assessment under Regulation 81 of the 2010 Habitats Regulations, the Appropriate Assessment set out in Appendix C of the submitted report which concluded that the proposed development would not have a significant effect on the European site subject to appropriate mitigation & conditions as detailed in Appendix C (including Table 1 as set out in the supplementary information submitted to the Committee) be adopted; and


(B)         application APP/18/00306 be granted permission subject to the following conditions:


              1            The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission.


                            Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


              2            The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:








                            AERIAL BOUNDARY PLAN  


                            Reason: - To ensure provision of a satisfactory development.


              3            Development shall proceed in accordance with the ecological avoidance and mitigation measures detailed within the Hayling Island Beach Management Plan Environmental Statement and Hayling Island Beach Management Plan Habitats Regulations Assessment (ESCP, March 2017) unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All avoidance and mitigation features shall be implemented in strict accordance with the agreed details.


                            Reason: To protect biodiversity in accordance with the Conservation Regulations 2010, Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, the NERC Act (2006), NPPF and Policy CS 11 of the Havant Borough Core Strategy March 2011


              4            The activities hereby permitted shall only take place between 06.00 - 22.00 hours on Mondays - Fridays and not at all on weekends and all recognised Public Holidays.


                            Except for;


                            I.        the discharging of dredged material from the hopper barges (rainbowing) which can take place approximately 2 hours either side of high tide over any 24 hour period.


                            II.       And if Emergency works are required, which need to take place as and when necessary.


                            Reason: To limit the impacts on neighbouring properties, the highway network and features of ecological importance in the area in accordance with policies CS11 and CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011.



              5            Prior to the commencement of each phase/campaign of development activities a Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include details of all avoidance and mitigation measures in relation to ecological features, to be informed by ongoing survey and monitoring works. In addition it will identify how works will comply with the requirements of the Bathing Waters Directive, to ensure that the works are acceptable and will not have an impact on the Water Framework Directive Bathing Water Protected Area.


                            Reason: To protect biodiversity in accordance with the Conservation Regulations 2010, Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, the NERC Act (2006), NPPF and Policy CS 11 of the Havant Borough Core Strategy March 2011.

Supporting documents: