
Agenda item

Site Briefing - APP/19/00768 - Land to the rear of, 15-27 Horndean Road, Emsworth

APP/19/00768 -  Land to the rear of, 15-27 Horndean Road, Emsworth


Proposal: Erection of 16 new dwellings with associated access, parking and open space.



The Principal Planning Officer gave a presentation.


Proposal: Erection of 16 new dwellings with associated access, parking and open space.


The members received a presentation from the officer outlining the report and familiarising the members with the site, the subject of the application. During the presentation the members’ attention was drawn to amendments made to overcome concerns of neighbouring properties. The following key considerations were identified in the report:


i)             principle of development


ii)            nature of development


iii)           impact on the character and appearance of the area


iv)           residential and neighbouring amenity


v)            access and highway implications


vi)           flooding and drainage


vii)          archaeology


viii)        the effect of development of ecology


ix)           impact on trees


x)            Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), contribution requirements and legal agreement.


In response to factual questions raised by the Working Party, the Principal Planning Officer advised that:


1)    a SINC was a Site of Interest of Nature Conservation and the majority of the site fell within this designation. This is part of a SINC to the west of the site, with compensation provision provided to the south, outside of the site.


2)    there were a number of mature trees along the western boundary and to the east was a large amount of vegetation;


3)    the proposed dwellings were a minimum of 15 metres from mature trees, so roots should not cause a problem in terms of subsidence;


4)    there was an entrance which ran alongside the proposed entrance, but this served houses 31-33 Horndean Road exclusively and so was separate from the proposal;

5)    the artistic drawings included in the presentation were not drawn to scale, but it was felt that the overall appearance of the proposed dwellings was attractive;


6)    the SINC was a grassland which harboured a number of species which were deemed significant enough to protect; and


7)    land contamination experts in Environmental Health had advised the developer that there could potentially be UXBs on the site, but as this was the case with most greenfield sites across the south coast, they had come to the conclusion that this should not impact whether the proposal was granted planning permission or not.



The Development Manager in response to questions by the Working Party explained that:


a)    the revisions to the local plan were agreed at Full Council on 9th September 2020 which highlighted this site as coming forward as a solo allocation for residential development, although it was originally part of the Southleigh development before this;


b)    the Bellevue development to the North of the site was already being constructed so this development would not be out of place with the surrounding area;


c)    the SINC was a local designation at County level and there was no statutory requirement to retain it. This application would secure and retain the SINC in perpetuity; and


d)    there was a condition for a scheme of investigation to be undertaken prior to any development commencing in order to determine if there was anything of major importance below the site archaeologically.


It was RESOLVED that, based on the site inspection and information available at the time, the following additional information be provided to the Development Management Committee:


1)    a more recent aerial photograph of the proposal site and surrounding area should one be available to officers; and


2)    a map of the surrounding area indicating proposed allocations for residential development and where development is currently taking place.


Supporting documents: