
Agenda item

Cabinet Leads and Chairmen's Question Time

(i)                the Leader and Cabinet Leads to answer questions on matters within their respective reports.


(ii)           Chairmen to answer questions on minutes since the last Council meeting


In response to questions about the Aquind interconnector, Cllr Bains explained that the council was a consultee at the Hearing held on 17 February and afforded the council, along with neighbouring authorities whose areas would be affected, the opportunity to raise issues.  The applicant had requested an exemption to remove the council’s powers for noise enforcement under section 82 of the EPA 1990 during construction and operational phases, to which Havant Borough Council and the other three local authorities affected put forward the same case against this request.  The decision was ultimately for the Planning Inspectorate to determine and members would be informed once the decision had been made.


Cllr Hughes believed that disruption to the transport network during construction posed the biggest concern, as it was estimated that 100m per week would be constructed and the route of the interconnector would run the full length of the A3 in the borough.


In response to a question from Cllr Keast in respect of the impact of coastal erosion at West Beach on Hayling Island, Cllr Hughes believed that the concerns expressed were merited and that the existing policy may need to be reviewed.


In reply to a question from Cllr Branson about ceasing verge cutting as part of the ‘No Mow May’ national campaign Cllr Hughes explained that this was by default already implemented where daffodils flowered.  He did not favour this being extended to all verges in the Borough due to the carefully calculated rotas for verge cutting to preserve the appearance of the street scene throughout the borough.


In response to a question from Cllr Francis, the Leader confirmed that engagement would be offered and welcomed with Leigh Park ward councillors if the bid for the Health Foundation’s Economies for Healthier Lives funding programme was successful.


In reply to Cllr Francis, Cllr Rennie confirmed that he had spoken with the digital team in respect of progressing the possibility of loaning IT Equipment to councillors.


In reply to a question from Cllr Pike about officers not undertaking site visits to assess the need for temporary Traffic Regulation Orders, specifically in Warblington. Cllr Bains explained that staff safety was a primary concern. She did however believe that such visits would likely be one of the first areas to recommence and she confirmed that she would raise the matter with the Head of Service.


In response to a question from Cllr Crellin, Cllr Turner believed that the delays around the potential redevelopment of Brent House centred around legal matters between the owner and the council but believed that these were nearing completion.


In reply to a question from Cllr Patrick about the deterioration of the Hook Lane Multi-User Games Area (MUGA), Cllr Rennie explained that the facility was not well used, hence the proposal for it to be converted to a car park. He agreed to investigate the background in respect of the deterioration of the MUGA and provide these details to Cllr Patrick.


Cllr Patrick requested scrutiny into the work of CELT and the way that CIL funds are used on these projects and requested a full list of CIL projects over the last three years and their progress.


In reply Cllr Turner requested that Cllr Patrick copy her into an email the relevant officers to request this information.