
Agenda item

APP/21/00200 - 32 New Lane, Havant

Proposal:           Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site comprising erection of distribution warehouse (class B8) with ancillary offices and related facilities, vehicle storage deck, new access, landscaping and associated infrastructure.


Additional Information



(The site was viewed by the Site Viewing Working Party)


Proposal:      Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site comprising erection of distribution warehouse (class B8) with ancillary offices and related facilities, vehicle storage deck, new access, landscaping and associated infrastructure.


The Committee considered the written report and recommendation from the Head of Planning to grant permission.


The Committee received supplementary information, circulated prior to the

meeting which:


(1)        included written deputations received from Mr Comlay, Mr Golding, Ms Saunders, Mr and Mrs Barlow and on behalf of the applicants;


(2)        Detailed an update to the representations received and updates including to the recommended conditions;


(3)        Provided information requested by the Site Viewing Working Party;


(4)        Provided the highway response to Mr Comlay’s deputation; and


(5)        Summarised a Highway Response Note received since the agenda was published.


In view of the public interest shown in this application, the Chairman, in accordance with the Committee’s adopted deputation procedure, agreed to an extension of the time allowed for deputations as follows:


          3 minutes for each objector

          9 minutes for those speaking in support


The Committee was addressed by the following deputees who in addition to their written deputations, had requested to address the Committee in person:


a)         Ms Saunders, who read out the written deputation circulated to members of the Committee prior to the meeting.


            In response to a question from a member of the Committee, Ms Saunders advised that although she had no evidence to support her concerns relating to traffic movements, it was reasonable to suggest that the type of operation proposed would generate more traffic than that generated by the previous occupier


b)         Ms Brooks, who read out the written deputation attached as an appendix to these minutes.


            In response to a question from a member of the Committee, Ms Brooks advised that the houses in Nutwick Road were on the same level as the application site; the railway line between the application site and Nutwick Road was on a higher elevation.


c)         Mr Comlay, who highlighted the following issues raised in his written deputation:


            i)          there had never been, to his knowledge, any 7 day, 3 hour shift round the clock business on the application site;


            ii)         the failure to advise on who the intended occupier would be was arguably is an error in the information submitted to the Committee;


            iii)         omissions and errors in the traffic data submitted to support the application;


            iv)        the number of proposed secure jobs was insufficient for such a prime site;


            v)         employment details that had not been supplied; and


            vi)        the impact of the traffic likely to be generated by the proposal


            In response to a question from a member of the Committee, Mr Comlay advised that traffic in New Lane had never been an issue. His concern was with the impact of introducing a traffic generating business in the middle of a town already heavily constrained by traffic.


            In summing up his deputation, Mr Comlay advised that, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution, this application should be deferred because there were several clarifications being sought from the applicants. He recommended that, for the town’s sake, the Committee should refuse the application.


d)         Mr Fry, one of the applicants, who reiterated the issues raised in the applicants’ written submission.


            In response to questions from members of the Committee, Mr Fry advised that:


            i)          the bespoke vans would not be fully liveried from the first day of operation but the applicants were discussing a condition to ensure that the vehicle were identifiable.


            ii)         the occupier would have total control of its vehicles’ movements


            iii)         outlined the part time and driver opportunities associated with this proposal


            iv)        outlined the parking facilities on site


            v)         advised that operation management plan would control the operations on the site


            vi)        the bespoke vans would be returned to the application site at the end of each day


            vii)        sufficient parking would be provided to reduce the risk of parking overspilling onto local roads; and


            viii)       although he could not speak for the occupiers, he was sure that, in view of the applicants record in other areas, the potential occupier would build a close relationship with the Council and other community groups


e)         Mr Dix, the applicants’ traffic consultant, who highlighted the following issues raised in the applicants’ written submission.


            i)          the application site was an existing employment site in an identified employment area


            ii)         the road network had which would be used to access the application site had been developed as part of the wider area


            iii)         the site was in accessible site with access to public transport and this accessibility would be further enhanced by highway improvements


            iv)        a Travel Plan would be adopted which would encourage staff and visitors not to use their vehicles to access the site


            v)         explained the robustness of the traffic data


            vi)        advised that the delivery vans would be stored overnight, leave the site in the morning, and not return until the evening


            vii)        outlined the operational arrangements to control traffic movements to and from the site to reduce the impact on occupiers of nearby residential properties and other traffic users


            viii)       advised that the proposed highway improvements to improve accessibility to the site and add additional safety features were designed using robust data and agreed by the Highway Authority


            ix)        the traffic likely to be generated by the proposal would not exceed maximum traffic generated by the previous use of the site. However, the traffic generated throughout the day would be more than in recent times as the use of the site had been reduced


            x)         the traffic likely to be generated by the proposed use would not lead to delays in nearby junctions other than those normally expected at urban junctions


                        the highway authority did not object to the scheme


            In response to questions from members of the Committee, Mr Dix advised that:


            i)          the HGVs would belong to the occupier of the site and their routes would be controlled by the occupier through the traffic management plan;


            ii)         there would be 78 HGV traffic movements across a whole day;


            iv)        the site would cater for small parcels and not larger items that would require two persons to move; and


            v)         the comparison of the traffic likely to be generated by the proposal and the previous use was based on bespoke data provided by the potential occupier and traffic generation appropriate for the previous use


            In response to the comments made by the deputees, the officers advised as follows:


            Mrs Brooks


·                     The measures outlined in the Noise Constraints Assessment and Operational Noise Management Plan were designed to reduce the noise impact on properties in Nutwick Road

·                     The loading bays and buildings had been moved away from Nutwick Road to reduce the impact of the proposed use on properties in Nutwick Road

·                     Although the site would be well lit, this lighting would be directed away from properties in Nutwick Road. The impact of this lighting would also be reduced by the tall tree screen between the application site and Nutwick Road

·                     The Environmental Health Team had raised no objections subject to conditions designed to reduce noise disturbance to nearby properties

·                     Congestion and the impact on the highway network had been thoroughly assessed by the Council and the Highway Authority


Ms Saunders


·                     Although the pandemic had stimulated a growth in last mile operations, this type of operation had been well established before recent times

·                     Conditions were recommended to enable the Council to monitor the transport and routes taken to and from the site

·                     The Committee had to consider the application as submitted and could not explore alternative sites

·                     The appropriateness of the site had been assessed


In response to questions from the Committee, officers advised that:


·                     the total percentage of total traffic to be generated by this use across Havant was not known


·                     The Environmental Health Officer did not raise any objections to the scheme on air quality grounds


The Committee discussed the application in detail together with the views raised by deputees.


During the debate, a member of the Committee expressed concerns that the Committee was not aware of the proposed occupier and that the traffic information was not complete.


However, the majority of the Committee considered that:


·                     The proposal would introduce highway improvements that would improve the safety and free flow of traffic on New Lane and adjoining roads


·                     Although the traffic data appeared confusing, it would be difficult to refuse on highway grounds as the Highway Authority had no objections to the scheme


·                     It would be difficult to refuse the application on air quality pollution grounds as the Environmental Heath Team had raised no objections in terms of air quality


·                     The scheme would have a beneficial impact on the wider community


·                     The existing tree screen would help reduce the impact of the scheme on the properties in Nutwick Road


·                     Adequate measures were proposed to address the impact of the scheme on residential properties in Nutwick Road


·                     Adequate measures were proposed to ensure that the applicant would be able to control the routes taken by vans


·                     the name of the proposed occupier was not a material consideration


Members expressed a desire that the new occupier would establish a working relationship with local residents and businesses to address any problems that might arise from the operation of this site.


A majority of the Committee were therefore minded to grant permission and it was:


RESOLVED that application APP/21/00200 be granted permission subject to:


(A)       The completion of a Section 106 Agreement to the satisfaction of the Solicitor of the Council to secure the following:


·                     Prior to commencement of development, to enter into a Highways agreement for the following:


·                     Northern site access works as shown in principle on drawing number 205452/PD01 Rev D;


·                     Southern pedestrian island as shown in principle on drawing number 20452/PD13 Rev A; and


·                     The New Lane/Crossland Drive civils works as shown in principle on drawing number 205452/PD07 Rev D.


·                     To deliver all of the above works to the satisfaction of the Highway Authority prior to occupation.


·                     Prior to commencement of development, to pay the planting contribution of £27,212 towards the visibility reduction measures on Crossland Drive.


·                     Prior to commencement of development, to pay the safety engineering contribution of £42,528.50 towards the cycle lane amendment works on New Lane.


·                     Prior to occupation of development, to pay the £5,500 bus stop contribution towards improving the southbound bus facilities on St. Albans Road.


·                     Payment (by developer) of HCC fees in respect of approval (£1,500) and monitoring (£15,000) of the Framework Travel Plan prior to occupation; and


·                     Payment of the Travel Plan bond (110% of the cost of the travel plan measures) prior to occupation.


(B)       The expiry of publicity subject to no significant additional issues being raised.


(C)       Subject to the following conditions as may be amended by the HPS



            1          The development must be begun not later than three  ears beginning with the date of this permission.


                        Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


            2          The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:




                        Proposed Warehouse Elevations Drawing Number 2101-S4-P6

                        Proposed Warehouse Floor Plan Drawing Number 2102-S4-P6

                        Proposed Van Parking Deck Plan - Levels 0 & 1 Drawing Number 2103-S4-P4

                        Proposed Van Parking Deck Plan - Levels 2 & 3 Drawing Number 2104-S4-P4

                        Proposed Warehouse Roof Plan Drawing Number 2109-S4-P3

                        Site Location Plan Drawing Number 2001-S4-P3

                        Site Plan Drawing Number 2003-S4-P7

                        Proposed Site Plan Grade Level Drawing Number 2003A-S4-P3

                        Proposed Building Overlay Drawing Number 2004-S4-P3

                        Proposed Parking and Vehicular Movements Drawing Number 2005-S4-P5

                        Existing and Proposed Site Section Drawing Number 2006-S4-P7

                        Boundary Treatments Plan Drawing Number 2008-S4-P3

                         Guard Hut & Guard Cabin Details Drawing Number 2009-S4-P3

                        Proposed Cycle and Smoking Shelter Details Drawing Number 2010-S4-P3

                        Proposed Height Restrictor & Vehicle Barrier Details Drawing Number 2011-S4-P3

                        Landscape Masterplan Strategy Drawing Number LLD2077-LAN-DWG-010 Rev 03

                        Tree Constraints Plan Drawing Number LLD2177-ARB-DRG-001 Rev 03

                        Tree Retention and Protection Plan Drawing Number LLD2177-ARB-DWG-002 Rev 04

                        Bulk Earthworks Analysis 15.5m FFL Drawing Number C200810-PIN-XX-XX-DR-C-220 Rev P02

                        Levels Strategy 15.5m FFL Drawing Number C200810-PIN-XX-XX-DR-C-206 Rev P05

                        External Lighting Lux Level Plot Drawing Number 10290-PL-100 Rev B

                        External Lighting Intrusive Lighting Renders & Calculation Points Drawing Number 10290-PL-101 Rev B

                        Access Road General Arrangement Drawing - Drawing Number LLD2177-LAN-DWG-150 Rev 03

                        Proposed Junction Layout with Landscaping Overlay Drawing Number 205452/PD14




                        Planning Statement Luken Beck February 2021

                        Design and Access Statement SMR Architects 7379/DAS/V3 February 2021

                        Transport Statement - Vectos February 2021

                        Supplementary Transport Assessment - Vectos July 2021

                        Transport Assessment Addendum - Vectos - Bus Services 205452/N09

                        Daily Trip Generation Note - Vectos - 205452/N10

                        Highways Response Note - Vectos 205452/N13

                        Travel Plan - Vectos January 2021

                        Non-Motorised User Context Assessment -Vectos February 2021

                        Air Quality Assessment Delta-Simons Project No. 20-1275.01 Issue 2 January 2021

                        Air Quality - Response to Havant Borough Council Environmental Health Comments Delta-Simons Project Number 20-1275.03 24th May 2021

                        Air Quality - Response to Havant Borough Council Environmental Health Additional Comments - Delta-Simons 20-1275.03 18th August 2021

                        Noise Constraints Assessment Tetra Tech A118298 February 2021

                        External Artificial Lighting Assessment Report KTA Report Number IDS/JG/10290/PL1/R1 February 2021

                        Pfizer Biotech Incumbent Lighting Survey KTA 10290-ELR-100 8 December 2020

                        Existing Tree Schedule Lizard Landscape Design and Ecology Project Reference LLD2177 Rev 02 February 2021

                        Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Method Statement  Lizard Landscape Design and Ecology Project Reference LLD2177 Rev 02 8 February 2021

                        Flood Risk Assessment Pinnacle Consulting Engineers Flood Risk Assessment C200810-PIN-XX-XX-RP-C-01 Version 4.0 9 February 2021

                        Drainage Strategy Report Pinnacle Consulting Engineers C200810-PIN-XX-XX-RP--02 Version 8.0 9 February

                        BREEAM Pre-assessment Yonder Job Nr. 2225 Rev A 29 January 2021

                        Phase 1 Environmental Assessment EPS UK20.5052 Issue 4 25 January 2021

                        Construction Management Plan TSL Issue No.3 12th January 2021

                        Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Lizard Landscape Design and Ecology Project Reference LLD2177-LPL-REP-001 Rev 01 9 February 2021

                        Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Lizard Landscape Design and Ecology Project Reference LLD2177-LPL-REP-001 Rev 01 Appendix E

                        Landscape Design Strategy Lizard Landscape Design and Ecology Project Reference LLD2177-LAN-REP-001 Rev 2 30th June 2021

                        Ecological Impact Assessment Lizard Landscape Design and Ecology Project Reference LLD2177 Rev 03 26th May 2021

                        Statement of Community Involvement Luken Beck January 2021

                        Construction Employment and Skills Framework Plan Fellows Planning uploaded 26th August 2021

                        Employment and Skills Note uploaded 26th August 2021

                        Outline Remedial Strategy & Implementation Plan EPS Project Reference UK20.5052D Issue 2.1 24th May 2021

                        Dialux External Lighting Assessment Report Thorux Lighting Report Number JW/LW/540939/DLX

                        Framework Operational Management Plan -Vectos July 2021

                        Framework Delivery and Servicing Management Plan - Vectos July 2021

                        Framework Car Park Management Plan - Vectos July 2021


                        Reason: - To ensure provision of a satisfactory development.


            3          The construction phase of the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Construction Management Plan (produced by TSL) Issue No.3, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This includes construction traffic routes and their management and control, parking and turning provision to be made on site, measures to prevent mud being deposited on the highway, adequate provision for addressing any abnormal wear and tear to the highway, and a programme for construction.


                        Reason: In the interest of highway safety having due regard to policies CS20 and DM10 of Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


            4          Prior to the occupation of any relevant part of the permitted development, a Full Operational Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


The plan shall be based upon the principles outlined within the Vectos Ltd. Framework Management Plan document dated July 2021, be implemented as approved, and be observed throughout the period that the lawfulness of activity at the development land relies upon this Planning Permission.


No significant deviation from the provisions of the approved plan shall be permitted, without the express written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure any future occupier abides by the assumptions within the Transport Assessments agreed at planning having due regard to policies DM11 and DM12 of Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the Planning Policy Framework.


            5          Prior to occupation of the development hereby permitted a Full Car Parking Management Plan (building on the Vectos Framework Car Parking Management Plan July 2021) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority. The approved plan shall be implemented as approved,and be observed throughout the period that the lawfulness of activity at the development land relies upon this Planning Permission.


                        No significant deviation from the provisions of the approved plan shall be permitted, without the express written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


                        Reason: To ensure any future occupier abides by the measures agreed at planning having due regard to policies CS20, DM11, DM12 and DM14 of Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011, Havant Borough Council Parking SPD and the Planning Policy Framework.



            6          Prior to occupation of the development hereby permitted, a Full Delivery Servicing Management Plan (building on the Vectos Framework Delivery Servicing Management Plan July 2021) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority. The approved plan shall be implemented as approved, and be observed throughout the period that the lawfulness of activity at the development land relies upon this Planning Permission.


                        No significant deviation from the provisions of the approved plan shall be permitted, without the express written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


                        Reason: To ensure any future occupier abides by the measures agreed at planning having due regard to policies CS20, DM11 and DM12 of Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the Planning Policy Framework.


            7          The development hereby permitted shall not be brought into use unless and until the Cycle Parking shown on drawing No. 2010-S4-P3 have been provided. The cycle storage facilities shall thereafter be maintained and retained in accordance with these details.


                        Reason: To ensure that adequate provision is made for sustainable transport options having due regard to policy DM14 of Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


            8          Prior to the occupation of the development the following provisions shall be made on site:


                        Photovoltaic panels as shown on drawing reference 2109-S4-P3


                        Electric Vehicle charging provision for 20% of all car and van parking spaces provided on site. In addition the remaining 80% of van parking spaces shall be provided with passive infrastructure to allow for further charging points to be easily installed.


                        Reason: To accord with the details if the submitted Transport Assessment, to reduce pollution and to help to ensure sustainable development having due regard to policies CS14 and DM10 of the Havant Borough Local Plan, emerging policy IN3 of the Havant Borough Local Plan Submission Version and the National Planning Policy Framework


            9          All delivery vans operating from the site shall be liveried and branded in a manner to allow for easy identification to ensure that the operation is in line with the operational management plan.


                        Reason: To allow for monitoring of the site operation in order to ensure that routes to and from the site utilise main routes in the interests of residential amenity and to avoid congestion having due regard to policies CS16, CS20 and DM10 together with the National Planning Policy Framework.


            10        Prior to the occupation of the development hereby permitted to install and maintain permanent traffic counters and monitor traffic levels across the 3 site accesses in accordance with the figures agreed at planning, as reflected in Appendix A of the Operational Management Plan. The monitored details shall be fed into Hampshire County Council’s permanent traffic count database and available to view as required by the Local Planning Authority and County Highway Authority.


                        Reason: To confirm that the traffic levels presented in the Operational Management Plan at planning are reflective of the on-site operation in the interests of amenity and the efficient operation of the Highway Network having due regard to policies CS20 and DM12 together with the National Planning Policy Framework.


            Environmental Controls


            11        Prior to the commencement of any specific phase of development approved by this planning permission (other than demolition, site clearance, or any other date or stage in development as may be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority), an assessment of the nature and extent of contamination at the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


                        The assessment may comprise separate reports as appropriate, but shall be undertaken by competent persons and unless specifically excluded in writing by the Local Planning Authority, shall include;


                        1)     Further intrusive site investigation & monitoring based on the proposals given within the EPS Ltd. Phase II Environmental Assessment Report Ref: UK20.5052D iss.2.1 (24/05/2021); to provide sufficient data and information to adequately identify & characterise any physical contamination on or affecting the site, and to inform an appropriate assessment of the risks to all identified receptors.


                        2)     The results of an appropriate risk assessment based upon (1), and where unacceptable risks are identified, a Remediation Strategy that includes; • appropriately considered remedial objectives,


       an appraisal of remedial &/or risk mitigation options, having due regard to sustainability, and;

       clearly defined proposals for mitigation of the identified risks.


                        3)     A verification plan providing details of the data that will be collected in order to demonstrate that the works set out in the Remediation Strategy in (2) are complete and identifying any requirements for longer-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action.


                        All elements shall be adhered to unless agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


                        Reason: Prior assessment has indicated the likely presence of contaminants within areas of the development land that have not previously been investigated. The site is above the secondary superficial aquifer which would be considered a moderately sensitive controlled water receptor. The chalk principal aquifer and associated SPZ1c occurs at depth beneath the site under a layer of London clay. The chalk would be considered a highly sensitive controlled water receptor. Alongside the health of future occupants of the development land, and the health of occupiers of adjacent land, these receptors could potentially be impacted by contamination present on this site. To ensure that the development does not contribute to-, and is not put at unacceptable risk from- or adversely affected by-, unacceptable levels of contamination, in line with policy DM10 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011, DM17 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Allocations) 2014 and paragraphs 178-180 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


            12        Prior to  occupation of any part of the site, a verification report demonstrating the completion of works set out in the approved remediation strategy and the effectiveness of the remediation shall be submitted to, and confirmed in writing, by the local planning authority. The report shall include results of sampling and monitoring carried out in accordance with the approved verification plan to demonstrate that the site remediation criteria have been met.


                        Reason: To ensure that the site does not pose any further risk to human health or the water environment by demonstrating that the requirements of the approved verification plan have been met and that remediation of the site is complete. This is in line with policy DM10 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011, DM17 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Allocations) [2014], and paragraphs 178-180 of the National Planning Policy Framework


            13        If, during development, contamination not previously identified is found to be present at the site then no further development (unless otherwise agreed in writing with the local planning authority) shall be carried out until a remediation strategy detailing how this contamination will be dealt with has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority. The remediation strategy shall be implemented as approved.


                        Reason: To ensure that the development does not contribute to, and is not put at unacceptable risk from- or adversely affected by-, unacceptable levels of contamination, in line with policy DM10 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011, DM17 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Allocations) 2014, and paragraphs 178-180 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


            14        Construction of the development (except for demolition and preparation works) shall not commence until details of the proposed means of foul and surface water sewerage disposal have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority in consultation with Southern Water. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


                        Reason: To ensure that drainage of the site is acceptable to prevent flood and pollution risk having due regard to policies CS15 and DM10 of Havant Borough Local Plan 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


            15        Details for the long-term maintenance arrangements for the surface water drainage system shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior the development being brought into use. The submitted details shall include;


                        2.     Maintenance schedules for each drainage feature type and ownership.

                        3.     Details of protection measures.


                        Reason: To ensure suitable drainage and to avoid flood risk having due regard to policies CS15 and DM10 of Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


            16        The drainage system shall be constructed in accordance with the Drainage Strategy Report; ref: C200810-PIN-XX-XX-RP-C-02. Surface water discharge to the public sewer network shall be limited to 174l/s (1 in 1 year), 395l/s (1 in 30 year) and 395l//s (1 in 100 year). Any changes to the approved documentation must be submitted to and approved in writing by Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Lead Local Flood Authority. Any revised details submitted for approval must include a technical summary highlighting any changes, updated detailed drainage drawings and detailed drainage calculations.


                        Reason: To ensure suitable drainage and to avoid flood risk having due regard to policies CS15 and DM10 of Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


            17        No piling or other deep foundation using penetrative methods shall take place unless and until details of the piling proposals are submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. If the piles/foundations are proposed to penetrate the full depth of the Clay cover at the site a piling risk assessment and method statement detailing the depth and type of piling to be undertaken and the methodology by which such piling will be carried out, including pollution prevention measures shall be submitted. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.     

                        Reason: Piling or any other foundation designs using penetrative methods can pose a risk to potable supplies from, for example, turbidity, mobilisation of historical contaminants, drilling through different aquifers and creation of preferential pathways for contaminants and having due regard to policy DM10 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


            18        Prior to use of the site commencing, an assessment of noise of all fixed plant, machinery and equipment associated with air moving equipment (including fans, ducting and external openings), compressors, generators or plant or equipment of a like kind, to be installed within the site which has the potential to cause noise disturbance to any noise sensitive receivers, shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority before installation. The noise emitted from the use of this plant, machinery or equipment shall not exceed the noise criteria provided in Tetra Tech’s Noise Constraints Assessment A118298 rev 3 dated 09/02/21. The assessment must be carried out by a suitably qualified acoustic consultant/engineer and be in accordance with BS4142:2014+A1:2019 ‘Methods for rating and assessing industrial and commercial sound.


                        Reason: In order to safeguard the amenities of adjoining residential occupiers having due regard to policy DM10 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework. The details are needed prior to the use of the site commencing so that any additional mitigation measures can be incorporated.




            19        The development including any demolition shall not commence unless and until a pre-commencement site meeting with the site agent, the applicants Arboricultural Consultant and a Havant Borough Council Arboricultural representative has taken place to ensure that all tree protection is correctly in place. The tree protection shall thereafter be retained and maintained as approved for the duration of the demolition works.


                        Reason: In  the interest of the character and appearance of the area and to ensure the retention of important trees and hedges having due regard to policies CS11 and DM8 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.



            20        The development including demolition shall take place in full accordance with the Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Method Statement Rev 02 Lizard Landscape Design and Ecology and Tree Retention and Protection Plan Drawing No. LLD2177-ARB-DWG-002 Rev 04. In addition all works within the Root Protection Areas of retained trees shall be supervised by the Applicants Arboricultural Consultants.


                        Reason: In  the interest of the character and appearance of the area and to ensure the retention of important trees and hedges having due regard to policies CS11 and DM8 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


            21        The landscaping works shown on the approved plans Drawing No. LLD2177-LAN-REP-001 and detailed in Landscape Design Strategy Lizard Design and Ecology LLD2177-LAN-REP-001 Rev 02 shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and in accordance with any timing / phasing arrangements approved or within the first planting season following final occupation of the development hereby permitted, whichever is the sooner. Any trees or shrubs planted or retained in accordance with this condition which are removed, uprooted, destroyed, die or become severely damaged or become seriously diseased within 5 years of planting shall be replaced within the next planting season by trees or shrubs of similar size and species to those originally required to be planted.


                        Reason: To ensure the appearance of the development is satisfactory and having due regard to policies CS11, CS16 and DM8 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


            22        Prior to the commencement on a phase of the development (excluding demolition and temporary works), a Draft Design Stage Assessment demonstrating that the development will achieve at  'Excellent’ against the BREEAM Standard, shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


                        Reason: To ensure the development contributes to sustainable construction in accordance with policy CS4 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and policy E12 of the Havant Borough Local Plan Submission Version.


            23        Within 6 months of any phase of the development first becoming occupied, written documentary evidence proving that the development has achieved at minimum 'Excellent' against the BREEAM Standard in the form of post construction assessment and certificate as issued by a legitimate BREEAM certification body shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for its approval.


                        Reason: To ensure the development contributes to sustainable construction in accordance with policy CS4 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011  and policy E12 of the Havant Borough Local Plan Submission Version.


            24        The development hereby permitted shall proceed in strict accordance with the ecological mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures detailed within the Ecological Impact Assessment (Lizard, May 2021 Rev 03) and as shown in the Landscape Masterplan Strategy (Drawing No. LD2177-LAN-DWG-010 Rev 02, Lizard, February 2021) unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All ecological measures shall be implemented and installed in accordance with ecologists instructions and retained in a location and condition suited to their intended function.


                        Reason: To protect and enhance biodiversity in accordance with the NERC Act 2006, the National Panning Policy Framework and Policy CS 11 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011.


            25        No part of the development shall be first brought into use until details of the type, siting, design and materials to be used in the construction of all means of enclosure including boundaries, screens or retaining walls and acoustic fences have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the approved structures have been erected in accordance with the approved details. The structures shall thereafter be retained.


                        Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the locality and occupiers of neighbouring property and having due regard to policy CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.




            26        Notwithstanding any description of materials in the application no above ground construction works shall take place until samples and / or a full specification of the materials to be used externally on the buildings have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details shall include the type, colour and texture of the materials. Only the materials so approved shall be used, in accordance with any terms of such approval.


                        Reason: To ensure the appearance of the development is satisfactory and having due regard to policies CS11 and CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


            27        Notwithstanding any description of materials in the application no above ground construction shall commence until a specification of the materials to be used for the surfacing of all open parts of the site proposed to be hardsurfaced has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include:


                        Fully annotated plans at sufficient scale that comprise a range of coloured and textured surfacing treatments, which identify:

                        - finished levels

                        - hard surfacing material type / product reference and colour

                        - laying bond

                        - edging or kerb detail / type

                        - retaining structures or steps


                        The development hereby permitted shall not be brought into use until the implementation of all such hardsurfacing has been completed in full accordance with that specification.


                        Reason:  In the interests of the amenities of the locality and having due regard to policies CS16 of the Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


            Employment and Skills


            28        The construction and occupation stage of the development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the Employment and Skills Framework Plan and in particular meet the following requirements:


                        Construction phase


                      Deliver on all KPI's as per the submitted Employment and Skills Framework ensuring these opportunities are provided to Havant residents with particular focus on 16-24yr olds in Leigh Park

                      Provide named person who has responsibility for recruitment and training of onsite personnel in the construction phase.

                      Six weeks from agreement of Planning Permission Contractor/Council initial E & S Plan meeting.

                      Monitoring meetings to be scheduled with Contractor and the council on a quarterly basis to review progress.

                      Contractor to submit evidence to the council proving Havant residents have benefited from the construction phase of the development.

                      Provide press/photo opportunities/case studies involving Havant residents before the end of the construction phase.

                      Contractor to provide report to the council at the end of construction phase with details of the job, apprenticeship, training, and site visits provided and who benefited.

                        Occupation phase


                              Provide end user HR contact for recruitment.

                              Continue quarterly monitoring meetings into recruitment phase to ensure opportunities are provided for Havant residents. 

                              Ensure active marketing campaigns target the recruitment of permanent jobs for Havant residents with particular focus on 16 - 24yr olds in Leigh Park and the immediate area.

                              This includes working with agencies / contractors which provide flexible work and driver opportunities, with best endeavours given to prioritise or attract residents of Havant Borough.

                              Provide two press/photo opportunity/case study involving Havant residents.


                        Reason: In the interests of providing employment opportunities at the site in accordance with policy CS3 of Havant Borough Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.



Supporting documents: