
Agenda item

Recruitment Process


The Committee considered a report setting out the job descriptions for the management posts, which had become vacant following the termination of the shared management arrangements with East Hampshire District Council


The Interim Chief Executive outlined the process and timetable for recruitment as detailed in a revised Appendix 2 circulated at the meeting and answered a question from a member of the Committee relating to the statutory officers.


The Committee were asked to consider options which could be incorporated in the recruitment process and indicated that a tour of the Borough and lunch with the candidates, members of the Human Resources Committee and senior managers would be useful.




(i)         the job descriptions for posts of the;


           Chief Executive,

           Executive Head of Regeneration and Communities,

           Executive Head of Place,

           Chief Finance Officer,

           Chief Legal Officer and

           Chief HR Officer


            as set out in Appendix 1 of the submitted report be approved; and


(ii)        the process and timetable for recruitment as detailed in the revised Appendix 2 circulated at the meeting be noted and amended to include a tour of Borough and lunch with the Committee and the senior management team.


Supporting documents: