
Agenda item

Cabinet/Board/Committee Recommendations

To consider the following recommendations to Council:


(A)         Recommendation arising from the Cabinet meeting held on 19 November 2014 relating to the Council Tax Support Scheme (Cabinet minute 111/11/14 refers):


RECOMMENDED to full Council that:


(1)  the 2014/15 Council Tax Support Scheme is retained for 2015/16 but with the following amendments:


(i) the Allowances and Premiums used in determining entitlement for  working age claims are changed as set out in paragraph 6.3 of the        Cabinet report;

(ii) the Non-Dependant deductions used in determining entitlement for working age claims are changed as set out in paragraph 6.4 of the Cabinet report; and


(2)  that the Service Manager (Revenues & Benefits) makes the necessary amendments to the Council Tax Support Scheme document and arranges for its publication in accordance with Local Government Finance Act 1992 Section 13A(2).

(B)         Recommendation arising from the Cabinet meeting held on 19 November 2014 relating to the Polling Districts Review (Cabinet minute 112/11/14 refers):


RECOMMENDED to full Council that

(1)   the polling districts designated for the purposes of Sections 18A and 31 of the Representation of the people Act 1983 (as amended) be and remain as recorded in the current Register of Electors for the Borough of Havant; and

(2)   there be no changes made to the currently designated polling places or action taken in relation to allocated polling stations save that the “Proposed Actions” set out in Paragraph 7.5 to the Cabinet report be noted and approved.


(C)         Recommendation arising from the Licensing Committee meeting held on 12 November 2014 relating to proposed Hackney Carriage Fare Increase (Licensing Committee minute 22/11/2014 refers):


RECOMMENDED to Council that


(1)       The following increases be advertised:

(i)        No increase in the ‘flag drop’ but change the mileage ‘for the first 17 metres or part thereof’ to ‘first 154 metres’ and ‘For each succeeding 210 metres’ to ‘189 metres’;

(ii)       The waiting time be increased from 20 pence for each period of 60 seconds to 25 pence;


(2)       Any objections to the above proposals following the advertisement be considered by the Licensing Committee; and


(3)       If there are no objections then the increase be implemented 28 days from the date the proposed fare increases were first advertised.


(D)         Recommendation arising from the Licensing Committee meeting held on 12 November 2014 relating to proposed Taxi Licensing fees (Licensing Committee minute 23/11/2014 refers):


RECOMMENDED to Council that:


(1)        The variations to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire licence fees as set out in the appendix to Licensing Committee minutes (minute 23/11/2014 refers) be advertised; and


(2)        If no objections to the proposed variations are received they be implemented on 1 April 2015.

(E)         To consider the following recommendation to Council arising from the Governance and Audit Committee meeting held on 2 December 2014 (Governance and Audit minute no 38/12/2014 refers):


RECOMMENDED that the amended Corporate Surveillance Policy be adopted by the Council subject to the last sentence of paragraph 10.1 on page 17 being amended to read “Authorisations have to be reviewed or cancelled if no longer required within the original time frame.”

(F)          To consider any recommendations to Council arising from the Extraordinary Cabinet meeting held on 10 December 2014.



The Council considered the following Cabinet and Committee recommendations:


(A)       Recommendation arising from the Cabinet meeting held on 19 November 2014 relating to the Council Tax Support Scheme (Cabinet minute 111/11/14 refers).  Proposed by Councillor Briggs and seconded by Councillor Blackett it was:



(1)          that the 2014/15 Council Tax Support Scheme is retained for 2015/16 but with the following amendments:


(i)        the Allowances and Premiums used in determining entitlement  for working age claims are changed as set out in paragraph 6.3 of this report;

(ii)       the Non-Dependant deductions used in determining entitlement for working age claims are changed as set out in paragraph 6.4 of this report.


(2)          that the Service Manager (Revenues & Benefits) makes the necessary amendments to the Council Tax Support Scheme document and arranges for its publication in accordance with Local Government Finance Act 1992 Section 13A(2)


(B)       Recommendation arising from the Cabinet meeting held on 19 November 2014 relating to the Polling Districts Review (Cabinet minute 112/11/14 refers).  Proposed by Councillor Branson and seconded by Councillor G Shimbart it was:



(1)       the polling districts designated for the purposes of Sections 18A and 31 of the Representation of the people Act 1983 (as amended) be and remain as recorded in the current Register of Electors for the Borough of Havant; and

(2)       there be no changes made to the currently designated polling places or action taken in relation to allocated polling stations save that the “Proposed Actions” set out in Paragraph 7.5 to the Cabinet report be noted and approved.

(C)      Recommendation arising from the Licensing Committee meeting held on 12 November 2014 relating to proposed Hackney Carriage Fare Increase (Licensing Committee minute 22/11/2014 refers).  Proposed by Councillor G Shimbart and seconded by Councillor Sceal it was:



(1)          the following increases be advertised:


(i)            No increase in the ‘flag drop’ but change the mileage ‘for the first 171 metres or part thereof’ to ‘first 154 metres’ and ‘For each succeeding 210 metres’ to ‘189 metres’;

(ii)       the waiting time be increased from 20 pence for each period of 60 seconds to 25 pence;

(2)       any objections to the above proposals following the advertisement be considered by the Licensing Committee; and

(3)       if there are no objections then the increase be implemented 28 days from the date the proposed fare increases were first advertised.


(D)      Recommendation arising from the Licensing Committee meeting held on 12 November 2014 relating to proposed Taxi Licensing fees (Licensing Committee minute 23/11/2014 refers).  Proposed by Councillor Wade and seconded by Councillor K Smith it was:



(1)       the variations to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire licence fees as set out in the appendix to Licensing Committee minutes (minute 23/11/2014 refers) be advertised; and

(2)       if no objections to the proposed variations are received they be implemented on 1 April 2015.

(E)       Recommendation arising from the Governance and Audit Committee meeting held on 2 December relating to Changes to Corporate Surveillance Policy and Procedure 2014 (Governance and Audit minute no 38/12/2014 refers).  Proposed by Councillor Wilson and seconded by Councillor Perry, it was


RESOLVED that the amended Corporate Surveillance Policy be adopted by the Council subject to the last sentence of paragraph 10.1 on page 17 of the Policy being amended to read “Authorisations have to be reviewed or cancelled if no longer required within the original time frame.”


(F)       Recommendation arising from the Extraordinary Cabinet meeting held on 10 December 2014 (minute 119 refers).  Proposed by Councillor Keast and seconded by Councillor Mrs E Shimbart, it was:


            RESOLVED that


(1)          Paragraph 5.5 in the report be amended to include the following additional wording:


“A risk that the Council may have to take on the ownership and liabilities associated with the management of a community building exists if no groups come forward to take over the running of the building. This would create further unbudgeted costs at a time when the Council currently faces considerable financial constraints.”

(2)          approval is given for Havant Borough Council to allow the provision of an infrastructure payment in respect of the CIL due, as set out in Appendix 1 of this report;

(3)          at this stage, infrastructure payments are limited to the provision of a community building in the Denvilles area; and subject to the Council successfully negotiating Heads of Terms with a user which transfers a full repairing lease to that end user.


Supporting documents: