
Committee details

Planning Committee

Purpose of committee

Most planning applications received by the council are decided by a planning officer. However, some applications are decided at planning committee meetings.


The full Terms of Reference and delegated functions of the Committee are set out in Part 2, Section E of the Council's Constitution.


Members of the public are welcome to attend the Committee and observe the meetings.


Submitting your views at a Meeting of the Planning Committee


The Council has a scheme whereby objectors, supporters, applicants, agents, County Councillors and Havant Borough Councillors, who are not attending as members of the Planning Committee, may submit their views to the Committee either:


1.               by submitting a written statement; or

2.               asking to address the Committee at the meeting When requesting this, a statement (“deputation statement”) must be provided in advance, setting out the issues you want to raise with the Committee.


The main features of the scheme are:


  • A written submission or deputation statement will only be accepted if it relates to a planning application included in the agenda for a meeting of the Committee.


  • Written statements and deputation statements may be no more than two sides of A4 paper, except for Havant Borough Councillors, who have a limit of no more than four sides of A4 paper.


  • Written submissions and deputation statements must be


  • typed in a regular Arial 12 font with standard spacing between the words, single line spacing between lines, and normal margins,
  • free of any photographs, diagrams or other images
  • free of letter headings, dates, email addresses, postal addresses and signatures
  • be submitted in Word or other word processing format: pdfs will not be accepted.


  • Written statements and requests to speak (including a copy of the deputation statement) must be received by democraticservices@havant.gov.uk by no later than 5pm one clear working day before the meeting. Therefore, if a meeting is on a Thursday with no intervening public holidays, written submissions must be received by 5 pm on the previous Tuesday.


  • A request to speak at a meeting which is not supported by a deputation statement will be rejected.


  • No more than 2 people may speak against an application


  • No more than 2 people may speak in support of an application


  • No more than 2 County Councillors may speak on an application


  • Requests to speak will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.


  • Written submissions and deputation statements that have accepted will be published on the Council’s website.



Further details are set out in the Council’s Constitution and the Scheme for Submitting Views at Planning Committee Meetings.


If there has been a summary text within six months of any previous appearance on the same or similar topic (irrespective of whether or not the member(s) of the summary text might be different) then no such new summary text will be received until that time limit has expired. However, "same or similar topic" does not apply to applications for planning permission considered by the Planning Committee.


Contact information

Support officer: Ernest Lam. Democratic Services Officer

Phone: 02392446350

Email: ernest.lam@havant.gov.uk