
Committee details

Shareholder Sub Committee

Purpose of committee

The purpose of the Shareholders Sub-Committee is to approve and oversee the Council's strategic objectives across Havant Borough Council’s companies and to support the development of these companies in line with the Council's regulations and ambitions. The Shareholders Sub-Committee will provide strategic oversight of the Council’s companies and provide assurance to the Cabinet that these companies are compliant with the Council’s constitution, rules and procedures; achieving best value; and are fit for purpose. The Shareholders Sub-Committee will not have operational control over the Council’s companies. The day-to-day operation of each company is the responsibility of the Directors of each company. Operational liaison with the Council’s companies will be between the client service of the Council and the managing Director of each company.


Contact information

Support officer: Emma Carlyle - Democratic Services Officer. Email: emma.carlyle@havant.gov.uk

Postal address:
Havant Borough Council
Public Service Plaza
Civic Centre Road