
Committee details


Purpose of committee

The Council has adopted an “executive” form of governance. This means that the Full Council appoints a Leader of the Council. The Leader then appoints a minimum of 2 and no more than 9 other Councillors who, together with the Leader, form the Cabinet and are responsible for virtually all day-to-day decision making within a policy and budget framework approved by Full Council. Cabinet also recommends the Budget and Policy Framework to Full Council.


The Leader of the Council leads the Cabinet and chairs its meetings.


Executive decisions may also be taken by the Leader, a committee or sub-committee of Cabinet, individual Cabinet members or by officers. Executive decisions are listed on the Executive Decisions Page


Each of the Councillors on the Cabinet is responsible for a particular area of the Council's activities (called "portfolios"). Cabinet members are called Cabinet Leads. Details of current Cabinet Leads and their responsibilities are listed in Cabinet Lead Responsibilities.


Details of the functions of the Cabinet can be viewed in Part 2, Section D of the  Council's Constitution


Contact information

Support officer: Jenni Harding. Democratic & Electoral Services Manager

Postal address:
Public Service Plaza
Civic Centre Road

Phone: 02392 446234

Email: jenni.harding@havant.gov.uk